— Edited
Well here is an update on what my robot, who I named ROAMIN looks like after working on him tonight. Notice the chest light and the shoulder covers, still have aways to go.
Nice work, once again
Where did your arms come from?
I think there robosapien V1 arms.
Goodmorning :-} Yes those are robosapien V2 arms. They fit and work great. I bought a couple of disabled robosapiens off of Ebay cheap and I just salvaged them out out, they are very simple working. I will try to put some pictures on here later showing how I am making them work :-}
Very cool. Will there be a video soon?
Great job ! Congratz !
Well I plan on doing some videos on my robot ROAMIN in the near future, like everyone else I am waiting for my V4 kit and other things I have on order, sort of at a wall right now, waiting for preorder shipment :-{ This is my first robot build, so I am still learning and taking things in that others talk about and show on here.
Greeting Fellow Robot Warriors :-} Well I just scored another good deal on Ebay. I will soon be receiving a Radio Shack Robie Senior Robot. I wasn't going to buy him, but I made an offer and I got a good deal. When I get done with him, he will not be the same, got some ideas :-} This will be my second robot project :-}
As long as Hulk Hogan doesn't kick in your door and try to take it back, that's a nice score.
are you doing something whit the motorboard off v2?
@nomad18.08 I actually have two motorboards off of 2 Robosapien V2 robots, I just kept them, really have no use for them, spare parts :-} Why do you have a use for one of them?
@Antron007 :-} Well I am not to worried about Hulk Hogan, I got the Ultimate Warrior watching over things :-}
Goodmorning :-} Well I hope everyone is doing well thismorning :-} To my surprise I had a box sitting on my porch thismorning. I received my vintage Radio Shack Robie Sr. Robot that I bought off of Ebay. I will soon have him all apart and be giving him a bath. I have a lot of ideas going through my head about what I am going to do with him. I will update later :-}
am looking for a motorboard due mine is broken. its the one whit 2x2 pin red yellow comming from batt.
@stonewolf great snag! If you search this Forum you will find tons of stuff on the Robie SR. Good Luck and looking forward to updates
@nomad...Have you checked all the leads under a magnifying glass going over all the connections with a plastic spudder probe? It may be something very simple
my englich is not that good.so i dont understand what your saying. there are some black tiny things on the back.some off them looks to be blown. can you gif more text plzz
@nomad18.08 Yes I have 2 of the exact same motorboards like you have pictured.
left ontop chould there be 9.5 volts?
@nomad18.08 9V GND Yes there is
i got 4.5 and 4.72 on the red and yellow under side on the connecotrs. and ubove i have -0.06 volts i saw on the on/off swits negatif turns to positif ?
@nomad18.08 It's the same board you have
Everything is just like yours. It will work :-}
you have the on/off swits too.and what you want for it. my e-mail is patrick.dierckx7@telenet.be
thank you