Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by CochranRobotics!

Help With Servos

Hello I'm new to EZ-Robot. I have been on the boards for some time but just recently purchased 3 EZ-B4 boards. I have been playing with them and cant get a servo to a darn thing. I'm using standard servos. My servos are rated up 6 Volts. So I'm running the EZ-B4 on 5 volts. The EZ-B4 reports low battery constantly and no matter what I do I cant get a servo to move. stress


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In the connection control, there is a gear in the upper right corner.

Under there, there is a battery voltage warning level. Uncheck it.

When the warning is going off, you can't do anything.


As long as EZB is reporting "low Voltage" it will lock out any control of your project. You need to get the voltage above 6VDC or higher before that deeded voice will stop and let your servos work. You can feed up to 17 volts to EZB without harming it but then you'll have to regulate the voltage feeding out of it to your servo down the the proper operating voltage.

You can also uncheck the Voltage warning in the connect control and that will stop the warning and let your project work.


Thanks guys. That was it. Things are now working. Boy I was going nuts last night. Now I have to work on some connection issues. I have both WFI and a network card in my Windows 8 Gateway computer. But I have to disable the network card to log into the EZ-B4, so I'm going to try a different connection, where the EZ-B4 connects to the WIFI router and I access that threw the network card. But I'm now on the road and servos are working. Thanks guys.:):P


Although connecting in Client Mode, where the EZ-B connects to your router is probably best, the issue you are probably having is an IP subnet conflict in the wired and wireless networks.

The EZ-B, in AP mode will have an IP address of, and will give out addresses to PCs in the range of

It is likely that your router uses the same range. and are the most common home router IP addresses with being used by 95% of the vendors. You can't have two network interfaces on the same subnet. You can usually easily change this in the DHCP settings of your router to use another range. Anything starting 192.168.x.x is good for home routing (there are two other ranges, 10.x.x.x and 172.16.x.x through 172.31.x.x you could use as well).

See for more details if interested.
