Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by faengelm!

Help Selecting Components For A Tele-Presence Robot

I need help in selecting hardware and software for a healthcare robot. Will eventually manufacture it. Need help selecting the top, to consist of a realsense camera that connects to Azure cloud. The off the shelf parts to connect the top to the base. The base with a means of adding wheels to move around patient's home. Of course something that does not scare the patient, human looking. eek


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If your looking to do a mass production of the robot, perhaps a proper design team is in order. Pay someone for great results, or get amateur or self-taught designers to give you medium grade work. Keep in mind no one is going to do payable work to their highest degree for free. That's the world we live in sadly.



Intel has 3 realsense cameras: F200 (deprecated) R200 (available) SR300 (available for pre-order)

Is not difficult ... R200

I own a R200 camera, and ASFAIK there is no "connects to Azure cloud" feature, out of the box the camera is available to Skype.

Everything else you will need to use the SDK and build a custom application or use an existent application with realsense support.

The R200 works in a different way to how F200 and SR300 work.

If you don't have specific requirements i don't see why a regular webcam is not enough.


@osmnd11 Did you plan to have the robot operate solely in a telepresence mode with someone remote controlling it? If so, you may want to take a look at the existing telepresence robots on the market to decide how to differntiate your product

Or was the idea to have the patient control it? How do you envision it being different from the patient just having a tablet?

Did it need the ability ability to move around the home independently? Is that why you are looking at RealSense?

I assume you are using this forum because you are considering an EZ controller,

I'd like to suggest that you incorporate some means of self charging like a Roomba to remove that burden from the patient

Regards, Frank


Thanks for the many responses. To clarify the robot design is for patients to visit with their physicians and family. The patients will be monitored 24/7. The camera is for the rehab patients and the proper algorithms are been developed for them, that is why the real sense. The robot can be viewed as an Internet of Things device connected to Azure and working in conjunction with the patients wearable devices, such as a smart watch or wearable patch. We want to use these wearable devices to get continuous readings of glucose and BP to mention a few. Lets call this robotic device with its added software and systems a Smart Service System Robot or S to the 3 Robot. My expertise is as a computer and data scientist. We will the collected data to provide analytics on Azure and real time analytics on Watson. Hope this makes sense. is willing to work together with other robotics scientist to achieve our goals. No need to er invent existing technology. Still did not get a concise answer on the components to make this work.