Hello, My name is Kyle and I am new to this community! I have many years experience with electronics and electrical applications! I have recently decided to upgrade my Trendmaters 2 ft tall Lost in Space robot! A few years ago, I added lights to the bubble and chest! But now I am completely rebuilding it from top to bottom! One of the issues I am having, is dealing with the audio! I purchased a circuit that will play mp3 files that I want the robot to say. It is a MDFLY SdCard MP3 Player Module Rs 233-Ttl. All I want to do is load MP3 audio files on an SD card and then play them back in the robot! Can anyone please tell me in easy to understand terms, how to operate this board? I cannot find any instructions on this board, other than the two pages offered with the product! I have a 12v battery I will use, a audio amp am speaker! I just need to know how to simply know how to turn it on and have it play the audio! I have no knowledge of computer programming or anything like that! Thank you for any and all help!
Welcome to the forum Kyle.
specs: http://www.mdfly.com/content/downloads/boards/audio/AU5121Sspec.pdf
Is the board connected to the ezb via uart? Can you explain how it’s connected to the ezb and what control in ARC it’s using?
If you share the ARC project, we’ll be able to take a look for you
No, it is not connected to a ezb via uart. Honestly I am not sure what those are. I have not received the board in the mail yet. I will only have the board itself. I am only wanting to be able to connect power and a speaker and play the audio thru a speaker in my robot!
Please do not double post. I see you have two discussions on this topic and hijacked another thread. We’ll use this one for organization
If you’re not using the ARC software, there isn’t a lot anyone here can help you with
What I recommend is looking into an ezb or IoTiny and ARC. You don’t need any sd card or programming to use it
I am sorry for double posting. I did not mean to hijack another thread! I did not realize I had done that.