Asked — Edited

Hello E-Maniacs :)

Hello. My name is Rafal, I'm from Poland. many Years ago have working with easy electronic sets, now I want to be back to business, inspired by fisha Wall-e. my son is 4 yrs old, try to understand me...:)

regards. r.


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Welcome! If you need any help just ask on the forum! My only robot so far is a wall-e so I can help there.

Also, I think the proper term is ez-roboteers.



And is the time to show the power of Europe for us ;-) Best regards: fisha@wp.pl ask.about.you.want :-)


Welcome to the forums and the EZ-Life Rafal! I look forward to seeing you around:)


Emaniacs? I've been called some things but that's a new one!

Welcome to EZ-Robot. This forum enjoys watching your progress and helping any way we can. We look forward to seeing your first project. - Josh