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Hello All. Bachelor Thesis Project.

Hey all, I'm very glad to be here in this great forum. I'm studying computer engineering and will make my thesis based on a robot project. I've started looking online for micro controllers like arduino etc, than found few videos on youtube about EZ, I feel so great:). I would like some help if possible with my project. So what I was thinking is to use EZ micro controller, because the easy gui interface that I can use to create a large range of inputs and interaction to my robot. Right now I have only a question, many will come when the project goes on. What kind of signal does the EZ microcontroller send to the electo motors needed for movement? Can I use other motion motors or only the one provided by EZ company?

My idea was to use EZ micro controller integrated in a computer and this computer will stay inside in the robot body structure. I can connect both by wireless etc. Everything, like EZ, Computer and every part of the robot will be supplied with energy by batteries integrated in the robot body. I will try to make the robot very interactive with humans and as well Self-sustaining. With some coding it can recharge batteries itself. If battery is low, move to x direction and plug outlet in the AC Power. This can easily be made with sensors some coding and image capturing. Instead of the camera I wanted to use something like the xbox kinect. Thanks for your time reading my post. Great to be here Can't wait to learn stuff that I never learned in the University. Cheers:)


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ARC Pro is your passport to a world of endless possibilities in robot programming, waiting for you to explore.

United Kingdom

The short answer is YES

The EZ-B and ARC is very versatile. The signals are PWM and Serial, it also has I2C.

You can use any motor controller with the EZ-B. The L298n is the popular one however you can use others such as the Sabertooth.

Have a browse of the forum, check the showcase and generally just go through all of the past forum posts and most questions will be answered. If you still can't find the answer to a specific question ask it and it will be answered.

FYI, there is a topic on self navigation to a charging station which was started some time ago with many ideas posted in it about how to achieve this.


One note to be aware of, since this is for a thesis project, I assume you are on a deadline. EZ-B is currently on pre-order with latest estimates of shipping in February for those who already ordered. If you haven't ordered yet, you may not be able to get in on the first shipment.

I hate to have you look at something less capable like Arduino or Parallax, but if you need to start building in the next two months, you may want to look somewhere else.

There are some used V3 E-B's popping up now and again on eBay or here on the forum, but without the device in hand, I wouldn't commit to anything with a short deadline.



Thanks for the tips guys. This thesis its not a deadline. I'm starting it earlier because want to make a good presentation of it, and not some rushed kind of project. Right now I'm working in the theoretical part of the project, and than later on will put all my thoughts into the practice. So many ideas, and I'm glad that I'm finding solutions for many of them.


Welcome Myzyri! You will find some amazing robots and people here on the Forum. We are all looking forward to your project and its progress. Both EZB and EZ-Board are amazing products! :)