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Hi I have been browsing the site for a few weeks and have been amazed by some of the robots being built hear. I have been into robots since I was a kid I still have my omnibot 2000 that I got when I was 12. I don't have the heart to cut him up but have decided to try and build my own robot. I picked up an omnibot and a Roomba 4105 off eBay. The plan is to cut the base off the omni and mount him on the Roomba. Should be fun I took the omni a part tonight and hope to start cutting tomorrow. Big thanks to DJ for creating EZB and to everyone else on the site for the motivation to try.


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Welcome! Have fun with your build. And we always like pictures, hint, hint.


Welcome! jer361


Welcome Jer361,

You OWE it to your 2000 for it to be all that it can be. It is just CRYING to come out and play. It is just like Pinocchio wanting to be a little boy. Your 2000 wants to be a REAL Robot!



Opps took the picture with my phone. Cut the base off the Omni today and set him on top of the Roomba he fits well. Thats all I can do for now as the guy I bought the Roomba from forgot to send the charger with it so I can't test it untill it comes in the mail. After I know the Roomba works I will take it a part and figure out how I'm going to mount the Omni on it. Thanks for all the welcome's I'm going to start a build thread in the showcase section with my plans, hopes, and dreams for this little guy.

United Kingdom

Hi jer361

Welcome to the forum , Have fun with your build , Lots of omnibots here so lots of tips for your project.



Jer361, I am about to start working on my collection of omnibots also.. 2 originals and one 2000..

On your roomba, that might be a pre-2005 so if you try to connect to it and it isn't working you might have to flash it using a scheduler remote or an osmo flasher from irobot.. I was battling my roombas to find out they needed firmware upgrades.

Good luck, and keep posting.