Asked — Edited

Hc-Sr04 Only Reports '20'


I have made the connections as report in tutorial.

  • on D0 5v
  • on D0 ground Trigger on D0 signal Echo on D1 Signal

But the distance is always 20........ Can someone explain where the error is?

Thank you

Ema from Italy


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I was having the same issue last week, were my sensor will always read a value of 20. During my trials and errors, strong possibilities that I short circuit it due to negligent wiring or bad sensor from the start. I am not sure. But I purchase a set of 6 from ebay for about 10$ ( free shipping). They arrive in the mail yesterday, pop in in and everything work fine now.

Keep in mind that the polarity in the Hc-sr04 is not in the same order with the polarity in the EZ-B. That was my first mistake, maybe why my Hc-sr04 had a short.

Hc-sr04 ( VCC - TRIGG - ECHO - GROUND) EZ-B port D0 ( GND - vcc-TRIG ) EZ-B port D1 ( Echo)

make sure that you have ground to ground ,vcc-vcc trig to trig echo to echo, double check your wiring.

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