United Kingdom
Asked — Edited


Hello DJ and all in the EZB community.

My name is steve cooper , I live in the UK . I just received my EZB kit. Wow it came quick , Cant wait to get building. Im thinking a BIG BIG BIG security / personal robot .

Again Greets all.

steven c


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Welcome Steve! You'll have loads of fun with your EZ-Robot, I'm sure! You'l find this community very friendy and helpful so feel free to ask if you have questions. I'm curious to see your build.



Welcome to the community! Have any questions just ask until then as DJ says happy building.


Glad to meet you steve! Looking forward to a big big big robot!:D

United Kingdom

Many thanks guys.

IV started the frame and already got the motors. give me a few days and ill have somthing to post. The creative juices is flowing .



Great Steve , we can't wait to hear your ideas. If you want you can find a cool picture or just take one of yourself as a profile pic. Welcome to the community - Josh