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Great Tutorial- Reading And Writing With Files

I don't find the right place to post comments on tutorials, but just wanted to compliment @JustinRatliff on his great tutorial on File Operations with example scripts

Regards, Frank


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Thank you Frank, very much! I appreciate the positive feedback :):):)


@JustinRatliff I was able to run all of your examples without any issues, but when I used my own data I had some problems with a feature of Split()

A string consisting of alpha chars or mixed alpha and numeric work as I expected, but a string of just numbers is treated as math. This is by design according to an old post I found

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Here is some code and the results showing the issue I can into:


$Chars= ("A,B,C")
$CharsSplit= Split( $Chars, "," ,  0 ) 
Print( "$CharsSplit= " + $CharsSplit)

$Numbers= ("1,2,3")
$NumbersSplit= Split( $Numbers, "," ,  0 ) 
Print( "$NumbersSplit= " + $NumbersSplit)

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I was able to solve my problem by adding one field of alpha to my numeric data.

It might be helpful to add a caution to your great tutorial

Also, it appears that the Script manual states that Split() returns an index instead of the value found

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Thanks again for your fine work on the tutorial Frank


A number is a number and a string is a string. A number is not a string because a number is used for math. Math uses numbers, not strings. So if you put a number in a variable, the type becomes a number. However, you can still parse/split a list of numbers by adding commas and using the split() command.

$x = "1, 2, 3, 4"

$val = split($x, ",", 2)


*note: i updated the EZ-Script manual to reflect the misprint for Split(), thanks!


@DJSures Thanks for clearing that up! I did have the commas, neglected to add a spaces as you did in your example

I ran a test and adding the spaces to my code worked and I found out there was no need for the parentheses


$x = "1, 2, 3, 4"  # note the spaces
$val = split($x, ",", 3)

$x= "1,2,3" # note NO spaces
$val= Split( $x, "," ,  0 ) 
Print( $val)

$x= "1 ,2, 3"  # added spaces
$val = split($x, "," ,  0 ) 
Print( $val)

$x= ("1, 2, 3") # added space and parentheses 
$val = split($x, "," ,  0 ) 
Print( $val)

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Thanks for the quick response Frank