Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by chrissi!

Firmware Update Question With Ez-B V4


My problem is related to firmware update (Version 16.6) in my private network connected of course to internet via router. In my home network I have subnet addressed All my devices have ip adresses from this network. I set ez-b in client mode with address - and I can get to ez-b via web browser. When I tried to make a firmware update, I have only one address to choose from drop down list: and the com ports - how to change the address to real one from my home subnet. Of course I can reset the ez-b to default settings with proper address, but in this case I will not have the internet access, because this is subnet not addressed in my network. The question is what is the problem and if my pc should have internet access during update?


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That firmware update is only for the V3... Currently there is no firmware upgrade for the v4...

Have you viewed the "how to" video in the Learn section on how to connect the V4 to your network/ARC? Connecting to EZB4

If you are in client mode, then you will need to use the scan tool in ARC to find your ezb4 then connect to it...


Ok - thank you very much Man for this information;-) I was thinking to myself that first what I have to do is update the firmware because I have another more important problem, that's why I've tried to make an update ;-) There is no problem with connecting to ezb v4 in ARC - everything is ok until runnig the camera (from the kit) - after a few seconds the screen is freezing (from camera) and ezb is death - led on board has a white colour and I can't connect to ez-b without resetting.


do you have a lot of sensors set to be poled at 100 milliseconds?

The reason I am asking is it sounds like you are flooding the bandwidth that you have available to the V4.


This is the pure connection to new ezb, without any servos and sensors connected and of course new project with the camera only.


reset your access point and try again.

The issue may be with your access point. The reason I say this is that in AP mode, the EZ-B and the computer communicate without an issue. The most likely other item in this chain that would be causing issues is the access point.


Thanks, I will check it again, but my router (access point) seems to be in well condition. I don't have any problems with another wifi devices: music server, 2 laptops, tablet, printer, fridge (I' m joking about the fridge ;-) and so on


I understand. I just know what I have read on this community, from helping others resolve their wifi issues on this community and from 25 years of networking experience.

There are may posts on similar issues on this community. Do some searching.

Good luck.


I reset the ezb to default network settings and connected to it via only pc. When I started the camera (in ARC) it has been working only for 15s and I hear the shimering from speker (quiet noise like: "ssssssss" only when I start the camera) . Than camera screen in ARC was freezed and ezb stoped working (the led colour was changed to white also). I can't connect to ezb without restart it. After restart everything works OK but without running the camera. Is anybody have the same issue? I don't really know what is broken ezb or camera. It is big surprise for me after 9 months waiting for a such great device ;-(


Hi @Fisha

It sounds like it could be a power problem, what are you using to power the EZ-B?

And yes it is normal to hear a bit of static that coming from the EZ-B speaker when the camera is connected as the audio gets amplified going to the speaker, changes in the power supply change the noise floor that gets amplified.


I agree with Jeremy. It is probably power.

For something to run great for any period of time, and then degrade over time would lead me to believe that the device is working fine, but there is a limitation to power or bandwidth that becomes worse with even a short period of time.

I know that I had lockup issues when I wasn't supplying enough power to the ez-b when using 14 motors, camera and about 5 sensors. I added 2 7.4V 2000mah batteries in parallel. I allow the EZ-B to have 7.4 V and then limit the other devices to either 5V or 6V amps depending on what they need. 3.3 V is handled from the board. I think the issue originally was that I was drawing too many amps when going through a single UBEC for the UBEC to handle, so I split things out to provide 3 paths for electricity from the batteries. 1 UBEC set to 5V up to 5A, 1 UBEC set to 6V up to 5A and then a straight shot to the battery without any power control that goes to the EZB providing 7.4V. This solved my similar issue.


I have a new Gens Ace LiPo 7,4V 6000mAh, I've also checked the voltage during ezb connection and camera lunched - it is about 7V. I didn't recharge them yet and I will try, but I thought that 7v will be ok for testing ezb :-)


Are there any other devices connected or is it just the V4 and the Camera?


Hmmm... Could you possibly have an active I2C control in your project? If you try to get data from an I2C device that isn't connected the red LED just beneath the reset button will light up and you'll have to cycle power on your EZ-B.


I connect only pure ezb and camera without any other devices or servos and the ARC project is only with connections and camera - nothing else


At this point, its something Jeremie would have to assist with. If it works without anything connected to the board, and then when you use the camera, it has issues, I would assume that there is an issue within the camera, or in the cable for the camera. They have been very good about handling the very few issues they have had.

Good luck!


Fisha, I do have to say that I love your wall-e build. I started mine with a v4. Your work on that build is impressive.


@Fisha can you connect to the EZ-Bv4 without the Camera, without any issues?


Yes of course- ezb works great without camera lunched. I've just recharge my batteries to 8.4V and still the same effect - camera is working but only for a few sec and then ezb is in halted state without any communication. I was so happy for upgrade my Wall-e ezb and camera, but now it may be impossible, because old camera doesn't work with new ezb, and new one doesn't work at all


The old camera will still work. Almost any camera compatible with Windows will. But keep troubleshooting with Jeremie. I am sure he will figure it out or solve it for you. My experience working for a telecom equipment manufacturers and in being in a group that tested phones for Verizon Wireless, I can assure you no matter how good the QA process, there will be some number of out of box failures. EZ-Robot will take care of you if you got a bad device.



Thanks a lot for yours advices - everything is on the short film - it is much easier to see, what's happened after camera lunching:


Thanks for the video @Fisha that helps!

Yeah it looks like the camera may have any issue. Please try disconnecting and reconnecting the JST cable from the EZ-B end and the camera end, and try removing the camera board from the camera Add-on board and re-seat it. If those suggestions don't work please send a message with our Contact Us page and we will start the replacement process, thanks!


I've already done this and nothing happened - still the same, maybe only cable is broken? I've tried to find any bad soldering, but I don't see anything suspicious.


Did you say your lipo is hovering around 7v while testing?... While not dead that voltage is low for a 7.4v lipo... Even a 75% charged lipo measures around 8v or so.... I would charge the lipo to make sure that isn't the cause of the problem.....


R.R, Lipo was recharged to 8.4 (on page 2). It appears that the camera is requesting to much current.


I've just received response on my email (after 5 days) from ez-robot that I can try to find any help on ez-robot forum. Very strange, because I sent a problem request to ez-robot with link to my post, because nobody on this forum had a similar issue with camera ;-)


When you Contact Us we are unable to help you with technical questions - as stated on the Contact Us page. That is what the forum is for:) And even though you do not have resolution yet, we are all working to help you. That is why we are on page #3 of your post (with #28 responses, mine being #29). So, you are getting a lot of help:)

Now, let me review the video and take a look to see what could be happening. One minute...


It appears you are connecting to the EZ-B via Client Mode through your router.

To help remove the chance of there being an issue with your router or network configuration, please follow these steps...

  1. Can you please reset the EZ-B v4 with the Reset Button. Here are the instructions on resetting the EZ-B.

  1. Connect to the EZ-B via AP Mode (default network mode)

This AP Mode method will provide more detailed error logging. Please provide us with a video of the camera not working under AP Mode so we can identify the issue.


Thank you for you quick response this time DJ, but everything was done before you post it ;-) It doesn't metter that camera is in acces mode or client mode - the problem is the same - watch my video - belive me I spent a lot of time to test it. Everything is in my post ;-) During very default connection from my pc to ez-b (after resetting ez-b) when ez-b is near my pc is still the same - camera is swichting off after a few sec and hangs my ez-b.


You're probably right, but maybe it might help DJ diagnose your problem if he gets the error log?


Ok - I will make the same film but with other type of connection - result will be the same. I don't know, are you any cinema-likers or what ;-) Just give me detail procedure how to give you any error log from camera please It is from debug when ez-b is connected to my network:

EZB 0: 2014-09-18 00:28 - Error Initializing Camera: System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out. at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.Start(EZB ezb, String ipAddress, Int32 port) at EZ_B.Camera.StartCamera(ValuePair videoCaptureDevice, Control processedPreviewControl, Control realtimePreviewControl, Int32 captureWidth, Int32 captureHeight). Resolution: 320x240 2014-09-18 00:28 - Object Recognition loaded. 2014-09-18 00:28 - TCP Server stopped

EZB 1: 2014-09-18 00:28 - TCP Server stopped

EZB 2: 2014-09-18 00:28 - TCP Server stopped

EZB 3: 2014-09-18 00:28 - TCP Server stopped

EZB 4: 2014-09-18 00:28 - TCP Server stopped

2014-09-18 00:29 - Attempting connection on 2014-09-18 00:29 - Connected to 2014-09-18 00:29 - EZ-B reports EZ-B v4 OS 2014-09-18 00:29 - Welcome to EZ-B v4 Beta! 2014-09-18 00:29 - EZ-B v4 ID: 25-54-0-0-47-255-61-58-58-37-37-37 2014-09-18 00:29 - Connected 2014-09-18 00:29 - Setting battery monitor voltage: 6.6 2014-09-18 00:29 - Setting battery protection: True 2014-09-18 00:29 - Setting i2c rate: 100000 2014-09-18 00:30 - Camera Initialized: EZB:// @ 320x240 2014-09-18 00:30 - error camera: System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid. at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Stream stream) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.(Byte[] ) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.() 2014-09-18 00:30 - error camera: System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid. at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Stream stream) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.(Byte[] ) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.() 2014-09-18 00:30 - error camera: System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid. at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Stream stream) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.(Byte[] ) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.() 2014-09-18 00:30 - error camera: System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid. at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Stream stream) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.(Byte[] ) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.() 2014-09-18 00:30 - error camera: System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid. at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Stream stream) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.(Byte[] ) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.() 2014-09-18 00:30 - error camera: System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid. at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Stream stream) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.(Byte[] ) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.() 2014-09-18 00:30 - error camera: System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid. at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Stream stream) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.(Byte[] ) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.() 2014-09-18 00:30 - error camera: System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid. at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Stream stream) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.(Byte[] ) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.() 2014-09-18 00:30 - error camera: System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid. at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Stream stream) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.(Byte[] ) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.() 2014-09-18 00:30 - error camera: System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid. at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Stream stream) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.(Byte[] ) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.() 2014-09-18 00:30 - error camera: System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid. at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Stream stream) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.(Byte[] ) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.() 2014-09-18 00:30 - error camera: System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid. at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Stream stream) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.(Byte[] ) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.() 2014-09-18 00:30 - error camera: System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid. at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Stream stream) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.(Byte[] ) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.() 2014-09-18 00:30 - EZ-B v4 Camera Error: System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags) at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.() 2014-09-18 00:30 - Camera Disabled

and of course I will do the same for default ez-b ap connection:

2014-09-18 00:42 - Attempting connection on 2014-09-18 00:42 - Connected to 2014-09-18 00:42 - EZ-B reports EZ-B v4 OS 2014-09-18 00:42 - Welcome to EZ-B v4 Beta! 2014-09-18 00:42 - EZ-B v4 ID: 25-54-0-0-47-255-61-58-58-37-37-37 2014-09-18 00:42 - Connected 2014-09-18 00:42 - Setting battery monitor voltage: 6.6 2014-09-18 00:42 - Setting battery protection: True 2014-09-18 00:42 - Setting i2c rate: 100000 2014-09-18 00:42 - Camera Initialized: EZB:// @ 320x240 2014-09-18 00:44 - Camera Disabled 2014-09-18 00:44 - Camera Disabled 2014-09-18 00:44 - Camera Initialized: EZB:// @ 640x480 2014-09-18 00:44 - EZ-B v4 Camera Error: System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags) at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.() 2014-09-18 00:44 - Camera Disabled


Does it work if you set the resolution to 320x240?

What are the specifications of your computer? Perhaps we are dealing with a driver hardware issue.

Videos help a lot because it gives me a PoV experience.

We will figure this out:)


connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. --->

i had this thismorning.and i unplug averything from router to wifi hub. waited 5 min and start back plug in one at the time.my internet is, beter then ever.


I saw something like this at the school. It happened when I was trying to get my wall-e setup and I was really close to the back of the cart with a 50 inch tv, DVD player and a power strip plugged in. I assumed it was wifi interference so I moved away from the tv. It worked fine after I moved further away from the tv.

It specifically would lock up when I turned the camera on. Without the camera on, everything was fine. I tried ap mode and client mode. Same results.

It might not be it but It might be worth a shot to try the bot in a different location.


If it isn't interference it could be the pc overloading. Try a different pc just to be sure.

I know that with my V3 I plugged a servo into the gnd port and every time I tried to move the servo ARC would lock up and the Ez-b would short out. Could this be happening in the V4 somewhere?

Inspect everything. open up the v4 and make sure there's no faults or visible shorts. I have a couple what I call "bridges" from the top to the bottom of the board chipped so it might be possible with yours.


I think that my laptop is strong enough: lenovo z580 Intel i5 2,5Ghz, 8GB RAM, Intel centrino wireless-N 220 and win7 64-bit

And in mode 320x240 the same error:

2014-09-18 19:08 - Attempting connection on 2014-09-18 19:08 - Connected to 2014-09-18 19:08 - EZ-B reports EZ-B v4 OS 2014-09-18 19:08 - Welcome to EZ-B v4 Beta! 2014-09-18 19:08 - EZ-B v4 ID: 25-54-0-0-47-255-61-58-58-37-37-37 2014-09-18 19:08 - Connected 2014-09-18 19:08 - Setting battery monitor voltage: 6.6 2014-09-18 19:08 - Setting battery protection: True 2014-09-18 19:08 - Setting i2c rate: 100000 2014-09-18 19:09 - Camera Initialized: EZB:// @ 320x240 2014-09-18 19:09 - EZ-B v4 Camera Error: System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags) at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.() 2014-09-18 19:09 - Camera Disabled

Camera is working once for a 5s and once for a 20s


And fresh

2014-09-18 19:21 - Attempting connection on 2014-09-18 19:21 - Connected to 2014-09-18 19:21 - EZ-B reports EZ-B v4 OS 2014-09-18 19:21 - Welcome to EZ-B v4 Beta! 2014-09-18 19:21 - EZ-B v4 ID: 25-54-0-0-47-255-61-58-58-37-37-37 2014-09-18 19:21 - Connected 2014-09-18 19:21 - Setting battery monitor voltage: 6.6 2014-09-18 19:21 - Setting battery protection: True 2014-09-18 19:21 - Setting i2c rate: 100000 2014-09-18 19:21 - Camera Initialized: EZB:// @ 320x240 2014-09-18 19:21 - EZ-B v4 Camera Error: System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags) at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) at EZ_B.EZBv4Video.() 2014-09-18 19:21 - Camera Disabled


I've just made another test with mobile interface and camera of course. On my mobile phone samsung galaxy S advice I have the same issue like on my laptop - after a few sec camera is freezing and the ez-b is hanging


I noticed that the LED on the camera Add-on board has gone out. Does this happen when the camera is plugged in for a while or just when the camera is enabled?


It was after camera was freezed and hangs my ez-b. I spent almost 2 weeks to test my home network, computer and ez-b and I have to suspect that camera or ez-b has hardware failure (the most probably is the camera failure). Do you have any ideas how can I dump some more exact logs from these devices or this is the moment for replacement process


Just to clarify, you can have the camera plugged into the EZ-B for a long time and the EZ-B is fine, but as soon as you "start" the camera control that's when issues start happening?


Yes - exactly. The problem is only when I start the camera - normally camera is connected to ez-b all the time and ez-b is working properly - the most critical moment is enabling the camera on ARC (pc or mobile phone), after that camera is hanging ez-b.


can you try to turn the cable.


Thanks @Fisha, yeah it definitely looks like your camera is defective, please try the Contact Us page again and reference this thread or mention that you talked to me and we should be able to fast track you a replacement.


I have already done it 1 week ago - and nothing happends. I've received message from you ( Aislinn Grant) that I can try to find the resolution on ez-robot forum. I will send it again, but this time I count that somebody will read my email with understanding ;-)


Fisha, the Contact Us is for customer support and not technical support. The forum is for technical support. Contact Us is for customer support. Use the forum for technical support to determine if there is a hardware defect. Once the forum has detected a hardware defect, then you may Contact Us for customer support.

Customer Support is not Technical Support. The forum is for Technical Support and the Contact Us is for customer support. Customer Support (aislinn, etc) are not technical and unable to assist you with technical questions.

The Forum is for technical support:)

Now that we have determined it may be a hardware defect, it is time for you to Contact Us. Use the Warranty Claim selection in Contact Us and provide a link to this thread.

Here is an example of how to Contact Us for warranty replacement...

User-inserted image


Hi @fisha,

Please check your email. We have already contacted you about replacing your camera, on Wednesday. Did it go to the spam folder?


Thank you DJ for detailed info how to contact with customer support and when, but one week ago Jereme has written in my thread that I should contact with your customer support to begin replacement process and I did it. Now I will do the same, but my e-mail will be like in your example


Hi @fisha,

I'm glad you know the process better now, but there's really no need! We're already processing your warranty request, so please check your email for our notice which we sent a couple days ago...:)


In fact, I didn't noticed your email chrissi, because many emails from ez-robot confused me and yes I found this email in the end:) Thank You very much:) and I see that I should meet with my doctor to check my eyes;)


Still waiting for replacement or any message for a date of replacement :-)


Hi @fisha,

Thanks for being patient with us! We're shipping it out tomorrow. It shouldn't normally be so long but we had a lot of orders that shipped lately so we had a lot of them to deal with:)


It's Ok - now I uderstand:) And it's clear for me, thanks for so quick response:)


Thank you for quick camera replacement, but I see that I have the same issue with new camera. After a few sec ez-b is hanging and the camera preview is freezing - the effect is the same like with old camera. I have to conclude that ez-b is broken, not the camera


But it was tested on my mobile device also with the same issue: #40 in history of this thread


Well that sucks... I guess you'll need to EZ Robot again contact us


I think that I'll send back everything for any testing process, because I did everything that I could and yes it sucks;)


This is not being said to diminish your frustration, which I highly sympathize with. It is more to help others who may see this thread and think there is a larger problem.

Every electronic product (or even non electronic product) that is shipped will have some out-of-box failures regardless of how good the quality control and manufacturing are. I was in a market research group from Verizon for 10 years, where they sent us phones (smart and dumb) every few months just before or just after they were released to get our feedback. This was not Beta testing, but production ready devices that they hoped we would talk about and review online, as well as provide feedback to them on a private forum to help them make decisions for future devices.

There were 50 active members. Every time we got a new phone, at least one member would have one that wouldn't work at all, and one or two others would experience serious hardware or software issues that the rest of us didn't see (this doesn't include the fact that we always found bugs that should never have made it past Beta, but that is a different conversation). So, basically, we were seeing a 6% failure rate on phones from the top manufacturers in the world, and we were assured by our contacts at Verizon, that this was not unusual.

I used to work for a company that makes hardware and software for the Contact Center industry. We developed a new T1 card, and our Alpha and Beta testing went great, but when we went to manufacturing, we were seeing a >20% failure rate in fixture testing (where we test the card just before boxing it for shipping to customers). Of the 80% that passed, we still had about a 5% first 6 month failure rate at customers, so we had to redesign the card to make it easier to manufacture correctly.

The fact that EZ-B has shipped thousands of EZ-B's v4's and we have only heard reports here of 3 or 4 that needed to be returned, I think is phenomenal. If I didn't already know the level of quality and support from EZ-Robotics from having some V3's, I would have waited for the second manufacturing run before ordering to let them work out the kinks, but I am very happy to have pre-ordered given the low likelihood that I will experience a problem when my Roli arrives.



Thanks a lot for cheering me up and I understand the complicated process of manufacturing, but It Is sad that I'cant realy diagnose the failure because debug log in this case is useless and I don't have another option to test the hardware more exactly. I should replace all (ez-b and camera) during the first try. Now I really don't know if I should wait for Jeremie's (from techical support) opinion or send it back to ez-robot - it's realy confusing me


Hey @Fisha,

Definitely Contact Us again and reference this thread and we will get you a replacement EZ-B and we'll have you send one of your cameras and the EZ-B in question back to us.


I would like to say that the real problem was in faulty ez-b - the new one is working excellent with all cameras that I've got for testing. Thank you guys for help and of course ezrobot crew for replacing ez-b:)