Asked — Edited

Ezb Camera

I took my camera with me in the field while i was working to do some additional design work on a holder for a project of mine. Welll, the lens got lost. I have searched for specs on size and thread, but cant find anything. I ordered an additional camera from Robotshop but has gone into its 3rd week of back order, so i am going to cancel that. I may just have to order direct from ez-robot and that shipping, but i thought i would ask before i do that; Does anyone have the tech specs on the camera module? Does anyone have details on the lens?

Tldr: ISO camera lens, or replacement specs


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Well, shows what I know...the lens comes off?

As an alt solution, Hobbyking from the USA warehouse might still have cameras. I picked up a couple on sale last month. The dyi kit was on sale too.


Jeremie will see this post and respond about the lens size. I believe it's quite standard for the size, but I don't have the specs on it at the moment.


Thanks for the tip on Hobbyking. good sale on the Dev Kit even! They seem to have them in stock at the moment, so I will have to go through them after I cancel at Robot Shop.


@dj thanks for the info. I will keep my eyes open. I would hate to relegate a working board to simply a test fit.


Undeleted... Found it. @spurgo, send me your mailing address and I'll send you a lens. I have a broken camera out of warranty.



Hi @thetechguru PM sent. Thanks for the help =)


@thetechguru Got the lens today, thank you all for the help =)