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Ez Script Servospeed Command Broken?

Using ServoSpeed(D#, 50) or any value between 0 and 50 isn't having any affect on the speed of my servos. I have tried grouping all of the ServoSpeed() commands at the top of my script and using them right before each Servo() command without any change. I am using a mix of the Hitec analog/digital and the Futaba 3003 (included in the ez-b kit) servos. The firmware I am using is the latest 15.2 release.


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@jmacgowa We had some issues with the servospeed, so it had been removed - temporary - until i can free up some more clock cycles in the servo PID to bring it back:)



Would I be able to set servo speeds by using the C# SDK or is this an issue at the firmware level?



It is at the firmware level. I thought it was documented that it had been temp removed... Sorry if i didn't do that:P Unlike me!

The feature will come back, eventually. It's on the list of items. I don't have an ETA... It'll be announced when i do:)


I think it was in the release notes when you removed it, but not in subsequent notes. I know I had read it a couple of times in various threads here.



I didn't read the documentation or the release notes. I'm one of those kamikaze hands on learners who figures things out from the interface and only breaks down and reads stuff when I get horribly stuck. I saw the command mentioned in ARC's EZ Script command list. There was no mention of it's disability in there.

I have since switched to using a Pololu Maestro for the servos. Thou I remember running into speed setting bugs with it's scripting language.


I also notice no speed difference when using modified servo when you add it to use in EZ-Robot.

config lets you set up a value for forward and reverse, but no noticeable difference is seen in the operation .

If i use a modified servo but add it as a normal servo then: set to about 35 it is stopped. forward and reverse at increasing speed as you move away from 35.

What gives?? eek :(