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A little help with Ez Script Please
I am using four ADC inputs to ezb to control two servo motors. see sample Ez Script
only one adc will have a low value at any given time all others will be high. a low on any adc input should give a specific value to the two servo motors.
Using repeat this scans the adc inputs ,but I need to address the second servo also if(adc(adc0) < 100) servod(do, 20) if(adc(adc1) < 100 servo(d0, 30) if(adc(adc2) < 100 servo(d1, 25) if(adc(adc3) <100 servo(d1, 35)
Appreciate any assistance you could give
Are you trying to move the servo into a position relative to the adc input value?
No Dj Using the adc as a trigger only
For example, you'd like to use the ADC for push-buttons to move the servos into different positions?
Please let me outline its purpose
I have four IR sensors on my Robot ( IR Beacons)
Front Back Left Right
Normall high output (4.8v) until one detects IR then that sensor goes low, other 3 sensors rermain high.
Sensor outputs are connected to ADC ports on EZb. I require Ez Script to Constantly monitor ADC inputS. Detect which one is low,and then send commands to two servos (d0,d1)
e.g Hold a ir transmitter in front of robot it can move forward, hold ir sensor at back of robot it will turn around , same with left & right
program requirement, must constantly monitor inputs & if low send command to servo d0 & d1 simultaniously
Monitor ADC0 if low, output servo(d0, 20) & servo(d1, 30) monitor ADC1 If low, output servo(d0, 30) & servo(d1, 40) monitor adc2 if low ,output servo(d0, 5) & servo(d1, 15) monitor adc3 if low,output servo(d0, 25) & servo(d1, 35) repeat
Thank You Pat
Ah brilliant!
Try this..
One last question not sure where to enter the actual mulible servo commands as I am using indivdual servo,s to operate a joystick. Have tried to enter in movement script but no joy. Sorry I know its probably in how to
Under Tutorials, you will find a "Continuous Servos" guide. You may follow that video to see how to use modified servos to control your robot. Then, you can use commands such as "Forward(), Left(), Right(), STop(), etc"
sorry forgot to mention my Robot has an electric wheel chair base .
if(adc(adc0) < 100) servo(d0, 37) if(adc(adc0) < 100) servo(d1, 34)
if(adc(adc1) < 100) servo(d0, 30) if(adc(adc1) < 100) servo(d1, 40)
no marks for my programming skills ,but it seems to work as I move two servos with one adc input
Thanks DJ
GREAT looking bot!!! Would love to see him in action. How about a video?
HOOOOOOOOOLY!!! That IS a fantastic bot!!
Man, i really better step it up a notch... you are all showing me up! or down, which ever way it works hahaha
ye its ongoing Exhibited a number of times at national "Young Scientist Exhibition" fantastic response. one of its features is it is touch sensitive . eg tickle its neck and you get a hilarious laugh ,kids loved this
With 16 servos controlling its movements its some fun to programme. Now with EZB,I wonder will it always be a work in progress.Maybe if you ( DJ ) took a holiday ,and decided no more new features for Ezb that may help me !!!. As mentioned previously seriously thinking of adding Brain control ,through the EZB of course . Let the cloning from human to Robot begin.
Haha, well just wait Pat... I have a new release with some neat features that you're going to become addicted too. I already know!