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Example Python Scripts Calling Ez_B.Dll


These are intended to be for guidance only, so others can get the idea of how to convert C# or VB into Python. They are probably only useful to people who already use Python.

First step in to install IronPython from here: Ironpython is simply a version of Python with extra .NET bindings.

At the IronPython Command prompt paste in one of the scripts below.



import clr import sys clr.AddReference('System.Windows.Forms') from System.Windows.Forms import Application, Button, Form from time import * from thread import * sys.path.Add(r"C:[your path here]\EZ-SDK\DLL") clr.AddReference ("EZ_B.dll") import EZ_B import FaceDetect my_ezb = EZ_B.EZB() _camera = EZ_B.Camera(my_ezb) cameras = EZ_B.Camera.GetVideoCaptureDeviceList() videoCaptureDeviceName = cameras[-1] panel1 = Form() panel2 = Form() #these forms have only limited functionality here, e.g. trying to move the window will cause the window to freeze p1 = start_new_thread(Application.Run,(panel1,)) p2 = start_new_thread(Application.Run,(panel2,)) _camera.StartCamera(videoCaptureDeviceName, panel1, panel2, 160, 120) print "Video started:", videoCaptureDeviceName

while True: if _camera.IsActive == False: print 'Camera not active' else: f1 = _camera.CameraFaceDetection.GetFaceDetection() if f1.isFound == False: print 'No face detected' else: print f1.verticalLocation,f1.horizontalLocation sleep(0.5)

import clr import sys from time import * sys.path.Add(r"C:[your path here]\EZ-SDK\DLL") clr.AddReference ("EZ_B.dll") import EZ_B

def wait(my_ezb,seconds): from time import sleep seconds = int(seconds) for i in xrange(seconds): for j in xrange(10): #regularly send a command to the board to keep it connected #there is probably a better way to do this my_ezb.Uart.SendSerial(my_ezb.Digital.DigitalPortEnum.D1, my_ezb.Uart.BAUD_RATE_ENUM.Baud_57600, "1") sleep(0.1) print i

def wait(my_ezb,seconds): from time import sleep seconds = int(seconds) for i in xrange(seconds): for j in xrange(10): #regularly send a command to the board to keep it connected #there is probably a better way to do this my_ezb.Uart.SendSerial(my_ezb.Digital.DigitalPortEnum.D1, my_ezb.Uart.BAUD_RATE_ENUM.Baud_57600, "1") sleep(0.1) print i

def wakeup(my_ezb,pause): my_ezb.RoboSapien.SendCommand(my_ezb.RoboSapien.RoboSapienCmdEnum.WakeUp) print 'Wake-up' wait(my_ezb,pause)

def burp(my_ezb,pause): my_ezb.RoboSapien.SendCommand(my_ezb.RoboSapien.RoboSapienCmdEnum.Burp) print 'Pardon' wait(my_ezb,pause)

def fart(my_ezb,pause): my_ezb.RoboSapien.SendCommand(my_ezb.RoboSapien.RoboSapienCmdEnum.Fart) print 'Oops' wait(my_ezb,pause)

def highfive(my_ezb,pause): my_ezb.RoboSapien.SendCommand(my_ezb.RoboSapien.RoboSapienCmdEnum.HighFive) print 'Gimme five!' wait(my_ezb,pause)

def lefthandstrike(my_ezb,pause): my_ezb.RoboSapien.SendCommand(my_ezb.RoboSapien.RoboSapienCmdEnum.LeftHandStrike) print 'Hiyah!' wait(my_ezb,pause)

def righthandstrike(my_ezb,pause): my_ezb.RoboSapien.SendCommand(my_ezb.RoboSapien.RoboSapienCmdEnum.RightHandStrike) print 'Hoyah!' wait(my_ezb,pause)

def leftarmup(my_ezb,pause): my_ezb.RoboSapien.SendCommand(my_ezb.RoboSapien.RoboSapienCmdEnum.LeftArmUp) my_ezb.RoboSapien.SendCommand(my_ezb.RoboSapien.RoboSapienCmdEnum.Stop) print 'Up' wait(my_ezb,pause)

def rightarmup(my_ezb,pause): my_ezb.RoboSapien.SendCommand(my_ezb.RoboSapien.RoboSapienCmdEnum.RightArmUp) my_ezb.RoboSapien.SendCommand(my_ezb.RoboSapien.RoboSapienCmdEnum.Stop) print 'Up' wait(my_ezb,pause)

def leftarmdown(my_ezb,pause): my_ezb.RoboSapien.SendCommand(my_ezb.RoboSapien.RoboSapienCmdEnum.LeftArmDown) my_ezb.RoboSapien.SendCommand(my_ezb.RoboSapien.RoboSapienCmdEnum.Stop) print 'Down' wait(my_ezb,pause)

def rightarmdown(my_ezb,pause): my_ezb.RoboSapien.SendCommand(my_ezb.RoboSapien.RoboSapienCmdEnum.RightArmDown) my_ezb.RoboSapien.SendCommand(my_ezb.RoboSapien.RoboSapienCmdEnum.Stop) print 'Down' wait(my_ezb,pause) def leftarmdown(my_ezb,pause): my_ezb.RoboSapien.SendCommand(my_ezb.RoboSapien.RoboSapienCmdEnum.LeftArmDown) my_ezb.RoboSapien.SendCommand(my_ezb.RoboSapien.RoboSapienCmdEnum.Stop) print 'Down' wait(my_ezb,pause)

def rightarmdown(my_ezb,pause): my_ezb.RoboSapien.SendCommand(my_ezb.RoboSapien.RoboSapienCmdEnum.RightArmDown) my_ezb.RoboSapien.SendCommand(my_ezb.RoboSapien.RoboSapienCmdEnum.Stop) print 'Down' wait(my_ezb,pause)

my_ezb = EZ_B.EZB() for i in xrange(20): if my_ezb.IsConnected != True: com_string = 'com'+str(i) print 'Trying',com_string my_ezb.Connect(com_string)

wait(my_ezb,5) wakeup(my_ezb,15) while my_ezb.IsConnected: lefthandstrike(my_ezb,5) righthandstrike(my_ezb,5) leftarmup(my_ezb,3) rightarmup(my_ezb,3) leftarmdown(my_ezb,3) rightarmdown(my_ezb,3)


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United Kingdom

Thanks, I'll have to try some of this in EventGhost's python interface, will add so much to my home automation if I can control the EZB direct from EventGhost.


The message board does not display the all-important tabs (either as tabs or spaces). Here are the files with the tabs in. (Edit: I uploaded them here, but they don't appear, message me if you want them).

United Kingdom

To upload make sure you zip it, click choose file n the right, select it, then hit the upload button... I see a few people miss the upload button part:).