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EZ-B WIFI Connect

Hi There DJ sures,

I'd gave myself a present the Wifi module TLG10UA03.

Yesterday it came with the postal:)

I just configured it gave it my wifi ssid and password and a static ip. Tested it and connected it to the EZ-B.

Powered up the EZ-B and wanted to connect the ARC.

But ehm.... ehm... ohh.

How can I connect:)


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You will have to remove the bluetooth module from the EZ-B and solder the TLG to a 4 pin connector. Make sure you notice the RX and TX on the EZ-B so they match the TLG.

The baud rate should be set for 9600 (which is what the TLG default is i think)

The TLG drivers on your PC will install a virtual COM port. You'll connect to that COM port, and everything should work great:D


Shoot, call me Dum. now your writing that, i noticed that i installed a bunch of software, including the virtual driver, com 11.

If i only had restarted the ARC i had noticed it. grrr

Problem now is that every time i drive forward the connection gets lost.

i think i need an pudding or a chucky:) lol


Brown out!

That's because the wifi adapter must be drawing too much current for the voltage regulator. There are two voltage regulators on the ez-b. One is for the micro and bluetooth, the other is for i/o ... I seperate them so the i/o can't brownout the micro. When using many servos, there can be crazy nonsense if using the same regulator.

You can monitor the i/o voltage by putting a jumper on an ADC port between Signal and +5 ... That will show you the i/o voltage when you log the ADC voltage.

I suspect you'll need more power for the wifi than the 5 aa batteries. You can probably get away with continueing to use the micro/bluetooth regulator if your battery source has enough amperage.

I'd suggest a 6 volt 4 amp battery if you have enough room.

If not, look into lithium or poly batteries.


hi, is there a Tutorial on how to do this.


Hi again Leory:)

I thought Pabi!o had put a schematic up. I guess not. If you disconnect the bluetooth module from the EZ-B, it will expose the communication header. The communication header is what the bluetooth module is currently connected to. You can remove the bluetooth module slowly and carefully, because it is tacked on with double sided tape. Do not pull on the antenna back part or you'll chance damaging the module. Grab it from the sides and slowly rock it back and forth, or use a small flathead screw driver and carefully seperate it from the IC.

Once you have the bluetooth module removed, you can see the communication header. that's the 4 pin female plug that the bluetooth module was plugged in.

The pins are labelled +5, Gnd, RX, TX.

You will connect the TLG10UA03 to the appropiate pins on the communication header.

TLG10UA03 TX connects to EZ-B RX TLG10UA03 RX connects to EZ-B TX TLG10UA03 Power connects to EZ-B +5 TLG10UA03 Gnd connects to EZ-B GND

Then next is configuring the device with its software. I'm not sure what speed it was tested with. I assume it was 9600. It may have also been 115,200. I would try 9600 first.

You'll need the virtual COM driver installed:)


ohh idd forgot it.

But you said it right.

The only thing you have to take in mind is that, if you use a wireless cam the range isn't the same as the wifi:)


The range is probably better than wifi, or as good. The wireless 2.4ghz cam is awesome for range:)


Alright I've been trying to configure the Wifi so I can use it with the EZ-B

I have yet to be able to connect to the TLG10UA03 just to set it up with the specified WIFI settings from my router, following the instruction from elechouse and the manual. It installs the virtual com port but the device is never found. I've gone through all my settings and rechecked I am stumped as to whats not going on, I'd hope it wouldn't be the card.

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Using the manual I have the USB/TTL connected to the WIFI modula as such: USB/TTL.........WIFI GND>>>>>>>>Gnd(pin8) RXD>>>>>>>>TXD(pin7) TXD>>>>>>>>RXD(pin6) VDD>>>>>>>>3.3V(pin5)

While power is connected to the Wifi card LED3 is light/blinking for wireless transfer signal and LED1 is light which is RTS signal.


Any ideas, I've tryed every baud rate?



I have been working getting my TLG10UA03 to work too. I am having some issues as well. Maybe we can help each other out here:

Have you been able to configure the device using the USB to TTL adapter?

I can setup the device using the USB to TTL adapter. I can get to the device via web browser and setup the com port. It should be 9600 baud for the EZB I believe with auto-work mode enabled.

I could be mistaken but I don't think the software above (UIRT-Wifi.exe) actually sets up the virtual com port on your machine...I think it is simply for setting up the TLG10UA03 when it is hard wired. I think that is why you are not seeing anything when you scan. I could be mistaken here but when I hit the Wireless connect button....the program hangs. (I looked through the manual, but don't see anything that addresses installing a virtual com port).

DJ mentions a TLG driver above....not sure what this is...UIRT-wifi.exe does not install anything that I know of.......@Pablio, you mention you installed a bunch of software including the TLG virtual port you have a link to that?

What I did was I downloaded a different virtual com driver and was actually able to connect to the TLG10UA03 to establish a com port which windows and ARC both see.

The problem I am having to getting EZB to connect right now. I am trying to find a COM port scanner that is free that works with Windows 64...but have not yet found one.

was also able to connect to the virtual port using hyperterminal.

I would love to get this working...





I haven't been able to connect to the Wifi card to set up the settings, so no luck using the USB to TTL adaptor. And I didn't mean to sound as if it was setting up the virtual com port just the port for the adaptor. I've looked through the manual multiple times and uninstalled the drivers for the adaptor but there seems to be no communication with the card its self. They also mentioned about a disc that came with the hardware but I only received the USB to TTL, a 4 way ribbon cable and the Wifi module. I ran through my router changing the settings for later use for the wifi module using the standards that are mentioned in the manual but I am unable to even find the Wifi card after I connect the adaptor, device never found.


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I can use the USB-TTL software and the drivers are installed for it so the com port is available however the wifi module is not found when searching. The connection is as shown above with the 3v jumpered for VDD from the USB-TTL. I am just not sure LED1 should be set when the wifi card is connected, @KKeast is this light for you?



Ok maybe i can help.....sounds like you installed the TTL driver ...this is not a virtual is the physical driver for the USB TTL device....the virtual driver comes later when you try to connect EZB to the wifi board via a TCP/Serial driver.

Make sure you have the right want the Prolific PL2303 driver

PL2303 Driver Installer

Sounds like you did that.

When you plug in the USB adapter does windows acknowledge something is plugged in? Go to Device Manager to confirm you have the prolific driver installed. You should see the com port number in Device Manger (take note of that). (from your post sounds like this is where you are stuck).

Connect the wires from the USB TTL to the WIFI card...Make sure you have the wires between the USB TTL and the WIFI board correct. I am trying to remember...but I think you want RX to TX and TX to RX for the wired 'crossover' or null modem connection. As long as you dont mess up the Vcc and GND you are fine if you happen to tie TX to RX and vice versa...only one way works...

Run the UART-Wifi software....change to the com port you have in device manager.

you should see the wifi device come up then......once you get the device on your network you can use the web interface to work with it from there.

Hopefully this helps. Now if i could only get the EZB connection going...





Everything seems hooked up correct but the device is not being found when I search for it.


Com invalid. Device is not supported.


The only thing I can think of is perhaps driving pin4(Nreset) low to see if that helps correct the issue


I am in chat right now if you want to discuss


Welp no such luck getting the TLG out of auto mode so I can configure it, I sent the AT controls tried the manual resets and just about everything I could review through the manual that could allow me to configure it to my router. Tried Hyperterminal however theres never a response from the TLG if you send AT+ should respond with ok+ but nothing any idea how to get the TLG into a different mode.


Model for.the ideal battery is UB645 6v lead acid battery 4.5 ah. It handles higher current than AA batteries and longer runtimes , search by model on eBay they are 10th dollars.

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a battery has nothing to do with this issue jstarne1, I've contacted the manufactor hopefully they have a solution. Don't understand why it isn't responding to AT commands or why I received it in auto mode.


Great news got the device configured now to get the virtual com port. Also it looks like my 2cell 910mAh battery won't supply enough current for the TLG to run off the EZ-B.



That is great! I was taking a break from it....hopefully will start back up on it....I don't know what virtual com driver to use on the host PC......The one I am using opens one but no luck with EZB connection yet.......good luck on getting your power issue sorted. I am suprised as right now I am powering the EZB board and the TLG with only 5 AAA batteries...seems to work you have other things on?





Nope but it seems a bit fishy I plug it to a power supply I created along time ago and connect it to the 12V rails and sum times the TLG turns on and sum times not. There shouldn't be a problem current wise with the power supply so maybe its my connections I have running to TX,RX,GND and 3.3V. Perhaps we can get Pabi!o to upload the drivers that were included with his for the virtual com port. I'll probably look into getting another 2 cell and paralleling it just for current incase future reasons.



That does seem odd. I noticed that even if i have the RX and TX backward, the TLG won't even power up. Definitely don't want to get the Vcc and Ground mixed I watch that very carefully of course.

That would be cool if Pabi!o could post the virtual driver he has....!




humm Mine turns on whenever I apply power to it from the usb regardless if the rx and tx are backwards however it wont if the rx and tx aren't connected. I almost applied the 5v to the TLG, forgot the V+ was 5V instead of 3.3V but I caught that before I powered up.

Hopefully He can upload them for us.


Hi there i used the follow documents and software to configure my wifi-module.

I bought mine from ebay Ebay-link

On that page there is a section download there you can find al the info and software.

Hope it helps:)



Yea its a current issue. Since I have a day and some time before my local hobby shop opens I thought I'd do a little amperage measuring. The USB to TTL puts out roughly 324mA to the TLG. I measured the amperage of three different power supplies I hooked up to the EZ-B: my 12V power supply, my 7.4V 910mAh LiPo and my 11.1V 3Ah LiPo. All of these power supplies allowed for 210mA to 220mA. The manual for the TLG states the operating current to be around 300mA. So there I go reason for it turning on sometimes and not working others. I'll just grab another 7.4V LiPo and parallel them.



Thats elechouse same company and everything I just don't see any drivers for creating a virtual com port out of the Wifi TLG. DJ said it installs its own drivers but the only drivers installed from those documents are for the usb to ttl controller. I must be missing something.


I did it if i remember correctly with the following steps

connect the wifi module with te serial usb. install the drivers and it assigned a serial port you can see in the device manager ( windows )

connect with the program "uart-wifi" to that com port. That did it for me.

don't forget to restart ARC



Are you saying that uart-wifi installed a comport on your system that ARC sees. I have my TLG configured and it is in auto work mode. I can get to the web page on the device and make any changes. My problem is that I don't have a virtual com port on the host. If you go into device manager in must have another comm port there that came from somewhere. I don't have it. All I have is the prolific drivers I used to communicate with the TTL device?

Do you have to keep the uart wifi program running?

Glad you got it orwnic82...I am also missing something.





How did you get the TLG to run off the 3.3V line I tried my 2Cell LiPo and it draws 206mA which is a hair short of 300mA for the TLG to run, So I paralleled in a 2nd and it still draws the same amount of current.


Hi Pabi!o

I am running mine off the 5 AA battery pack right now. The TLG works with either the 3.3 V or the 5V with no problems. I did notice that if I ground it to the TTL header ground it does not work (as there is something going on there as the light on the TLG glows very faintly and does not connect to my Access Point.

I am still having problems with this device. I cannot even get the TTL to connect up the board direct using the USB. I have the latest firmware but still not able to connect to is yours working out?

Also, how did you get yours out of auto mode? When I try to turn it off in the web page it does not save and stays enabled. Hope this helps you with your troubleshooting.





Yea I sent over the command +++ for some reason I had to use the arduino software terminal to send the command, Hyperterminal and c# application didn't work, weird. I'll see about changing the gnd but other than that it is a current issue. I've waited for another LiPo to see if it would increase the current by paralleling them but the current stayed the same. I haven't got to check if I can connect through a virtual com port yet though trying to get the module working off the ez-b power source.