— Edited
After extensively researching the latest battery technologies and eventually accepting economic realty, I came up with three right-sized and right-priced battery packs for my various EZ-B projects. Introducing:
EZ-Battery SLIM : 7.4V 2000mAh | Li-Ion Polymer | 65mm x 51mm x 13mm | 2.8 Oz
EZ-Battery CHUNKY : 7.4V 3000mAh | Li-Ion Polymer | 67mm x 37mm x 30mm | 4.2 Oz
EZ-Battery PUDDIN' : 7.4V 8.0Ah | LiMnNi | 114mm x 30mm x 75mm | 0.9 Lb
These are simply Powerizer battery packs I altered by soldering on my own barrel connectors and wrapping with vinyl tape. Little WALL-E and Scorponic use the SLIM, Big WALL-E the CHUNKY and Vanilla Ice gets the PUDDIN'. It took a long time to find the right battery for the Omnibot project - the PUDDIN' fits perfectly in his battery compartment and at 8.0Ah it's not too shabby...
The EZ-Battery Line-up
EZ-Bs All Around
Praise the Mother!
That is actually pretty cool
You should sell them, they look really nice!
Raw Materials:
7.4V 2000mAh Li-Ion Polymer Battery Pack
7.4V 3000mAh Li-Ion Polymer Battery Pack
7.4V 8.0Ah LiMnNi Battery Pack
7.4V 1.2A Smart Charger
7.4V 1.2A Internal Smart Charge Module
I agree! You should sell these