Asked — Edited

Do I Need An Init Script??Th

Do I need an init script?? the servos seem to go to extremes on initial run..


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Can you provide more details?


Hi edbot, Are you loading the correct app for the robot?


Yeah let's find out how we can get you up and running:D


thanks ,

I uploaded a video of the initscript startup on connection. ( I think?? Not sure if the video is here)

I have also uploaded my project to the cloud, so hopefully you can see what the problem is .

#5   — Edited

Hi Edbot,

I don't see the project or the video you mentioned. It's probably not you. There's a few gremlins on this new forum right now.

It's been my experience that running an int script when your project starts is a wonderful way to set servo speeds, servo min/max ranges, positions, set variables and tons of other needed things to make your project run.

Good luck and have fun.


Trouble with the site ..... I keep getting:    Error submitting the comment. Comment too short for submission. when I try to post but this is the issue with my InitScript


hopefully this helps to understand my issue

#7   — Edited

Well, that's one interesting robot. Kinda reminds me of Road Warrior. Very cool and imaginative. I love it!

I wish I could find your project you saved to the cloud. That could help me see what's going on with your script.

Looks like you have a wrong position command in your script or an improperly calibrated servo there.

Can you move the servo properly with a servo control in ARC. If it moves erratically like that when you use the slider in the control then you may have a bad pot in the servo.

Error submitting the comment. Comment too short for submission.

I like your color scheme and angry temperament! Looks like a movie clip of an evil Inmoov trying to escape something.

That doesn't help your problem, I know.


Yes, you can’t just write one word and hit submit - because that’s not conversational. The old forum was the same - in fact the old forum enforced grammar punctuation as well. It’s not trouble with the site, it’s merely direction to ensure we’re using everyone’s time effectively:)

On the note about your robot - yes! It’s great. I agree the color scheme is eye catching as well. To save a project for others to see on the cloud, it needs to be marked as public.


Thanks for the positive comments..(I guess I am a little out there with my ideas.)

Thanks DJ :  checked the public box and it looks like that was it .

This is a video of earlier Re3d looking for our dog Cricket. (who runs away when Re3d is working) but you can see he seems to fnction ok , its just the InitScript problem.


The easiest init script is within the connection control itself. Simply press the gear icon of the connection control and edit the script box for the appropriate connection.

Add servo() commands to move the servos into their initilization positions. Or what I do is create an Auto Position frame and jump to it. Have a look at one of the example ezrobot projects, such as JD or Six


Hey Thanks DJ,  I moved the AutoPosition jump at the beginning of the script. This seems to have solved the issue.

And... The bigger Thanks.. To you for all the EZB hardware, software, and tutorials which you have created here. I definitely would not have even started a project like this without it.


Thank you for the kind words:D - every time someone says something like that, it keeps the entire team motivated to continue making awesome tools for you to build with


Just looked it over and .. I will use it for the speeds, but will still leave the AutoPosition there.

thanks again.

My family has now learned to live with a robot in the family   we are all having fun with this and learning something as well.. this video was tonight...


That's a wonderful video! Thanks for making my night! I'll be sure to show everyone at the office tomorrow - it's great your family is supportive of the new family member!