Thought I'd add this little bit of documentation for using ScriptStartWait with the ScriptManager (my apologies if this is already documented somewhere -- or if this behavior is fixed or different in the most-recent version). The Cheat Sheet helps me choose a script from the script manager like this: ControlCommand("Script Manager", ScriptStart, "Script 13") but i want to use ScriptStartWait (to ensure that "Script 13" is fully completed before my execution continues). The Cheat Sheet allows me to choose ControlCommand("Script Manager", ScriptStartWait) but this is not legal syntax -- instead you must manually edit the line like this: ControlCommand("Script Manager", ScriptStartWait, "Script 13") and that succeeds. (This is probably obvious to all the veterans here, but i had to use trial and error to divine this behavior. And searching the forum and tutorials did not lead me to this answer -- perhaps i missed the nugget somewhere, tho.) Note that when i tried to use Blockly to test this, it gives an error message ('This command requires a script name' ) , but it does not allow me to correct the problem -- so it appears one must use EZ-Script and manually edit this to get it to work.
-Richard 'Twitch' R
Ya, that one got me turned around also. Like you it took me a little while to figure it out with logic and reason. After awhile I figured out the ScriptStartWait command needed to know what script to make wait. LOL.
There's a few other little quarks in the Cheat Sheet and Command manual where it assumes "we" should know better. Also Copy and Pasting sometimes doesn't give acceptable syntex that can be used.