
Confirmed Working Highres Cams?


i am currently searching for a compatible Camera, that i could integrate into ARC, only for visual orientation, no special tracking features needed (i know of the limits in calculations with highresolutions..)

Currently, i am building a prototype of a Rover-Robot, and i am using the integratet Camera from JDs Head. Its OK, but as i am using a Valve Index for steering it (which is totally awesome, btw), i am looking for something with higher resolution but still compatible with EZ-B v4 and Virtual Reality Plugin.

As far as i found out, most Webcams you can connect to via USB or WiFi are usable. Before i go shopping, what are you using, and got to work? Maybe even with Virtual Reality?

Any webcam suggestions welcome:)

Happy Halloween!

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Thanks for your response DJ.

The reason why i am asking is, that many of todays WiFi Webcams only provide App-Support for Android/iOS and cannot be connected through IP adress or browser, or something. So you have to use their own app, because nothing else would work:(

Next thing is, they use different formats and you wrote in your Camera Device Doc, "JPEG Snapshot HTTP Video" is a requirement to get it working. Most webcam-sellers do not state this in their "feature-page" so it is hard to select, which cam supports this and which do only provide different transfer methods.

But, i was able to get a impression of high-resolution VR streaming over WiFi, as i managed to turn my Android Phone into a webcam with this amazing and very customizable app: IP Webcam There you can also choose to receive JPG Snapshots, and this works flawless with the Camera Device plugin AND Virtual Reality. It is amazing to see a 1920x1080 stream in your headset through the eyes of your robot;)

So, if any users out there where able to use a real WiFi Camera in their setup, please let me know! For now, i will try to integrate the Android Smartphone as a temporary solution, thanks!