South Africa
Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by DJ Sures!

Colour Recognition

Hi, can someone direct me to the code/algorithm behind the EZRobot colour recognition? I'd like my postgraduate student to work on the theoretical algorithm and illustrate it with the JD EZRobot.


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I believe that ARC uses AForge.NET for this. AForge is a C# implementation of OpenCV.

I would have the student build an ARC skill plugin using AForge (the DLL is included in the ARC install) demonstrating color recognition. There should be plenty of examples online for the student to follow. By making a plugin, JD would be able to use this to demonstrate the code.

Sample code for download


A forge is not used for color tracking - only the blob function. Rather than writing our own, I'm a huge fan of the work from Andrew.

The algorithm is pretty straight forward. Loop through the image memory and count the blobs of colors:)

Even though aforge isn't used for the algorithm. There's a lot of information in aforge website for color filtering etc... I would focus on that.