— Edited

Hello everyone,
I have recently bought the Ez-Robot developer kit. I got batteries and assembled everything together. It booted up and I heard the chime. I went to my wifi connections and found it. However it will not let me connect to it. The odd thing is it connected on my other computer that runs windows 7 but it will not connect on my primary computer running windows 8.1.
Thanks in advance,
Here's my connection tutorial. You want AP/connect to computer mode. Follow this for your windows 8.
Connection Tutorial.
Thanks Technopro I will try your tutorial.
If it doesn't work I'll help you diagnose it.
I tried your tutorial but when I went to connect to it in my wifi it just took a long time and then timed out. Thanks for the help though @Technopro
I can see from your profile that you haven't yet completed any of the lessons in the Learn section. Completing these will help you have an enjoyable experience with your EZ-Robot products.
Since you are having difficulties connecting I would suggest starting with the Connecting to your EZ-B lesson.
Huh. Is it an HP? We've been having trouble with Hp's as there wifi adapter wont let the ez-b connect right.
If you haven't yet, try pressing the reset button on the top of the ez-b.(tiny hole left of logo)
Sadly, yes it is an hp. That is probably the reason. Thanks for your help.
In that case, please refer to this forum discussion and provide a diagnostics report. EZ-Robot are working with the manufacturers of their WiFi module to find a solution to the issue and the diagnostics reports will help.
Good news guys, I watched your tutorial on client mode Technopro. I was able to use my other computer to set it to client mode and then connect to it from my primary computer. Thanks for your help and time guys.
Have a good day!
Good thinking! In the event that you need AP mode, follow the instructions in the thread Rich mentioned.
Rich's link:Link
Good day to you too!