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Can I Order Ez-Robot'S Products From Italy?

Good evening, I'm Alessandro and this is the first time I use EZ-Robot's Forum. As a Star Wars fan, I would like to start building my own life size BB-8 prop and I want to try doing it using EZ-Robot products.

But I saw that this group is located in Canada, so I guess this might be a problem since I live in Central Italy and there are no shops which sell EZ-Robot. This means I can only find these products here on the Official Website.

So my first question is: does EZ-Robot do international shipping or just national shipping?


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EZ-Robot ships worldwide. The headquarters is in Canada, but the manufacturing is in China and most items are shipped directly from the manufacturing facility.

There is a local reseller in Italy: that carries most if not all of the EZ-Robot parts and products and could potentially save you from shipping and import duty costs.



Oh... Welcome to the forum too...




Oh... Welcome to the forum too...

Thank you @thetechguru:)


There is a local reseller in Italy [. . .] and could potentially save you from shipping and import duty costs.

Oh yeah, I found it out after I had published this thread. What would be the costs from China, approximately? Because I need to keep that in mind in case I don't find a product on that Italian website.


I believe the shop will calculate the shipping cost for you. It typically costs me about $20 shipped to the USA. However, the import duties, VAT, etc.. are not calculated and differ by country. In the USA they are very low, and only charged at all on the very expensive items like the full Revolution robots. I believe they are fairly high in EU countries.



In Canada $300 worth of items raised me $60 duty...

In Italy I can't imagine it would be as bad, but I could be wrong.


Import is mostly sales tax - so, you can estimate the duty to be the sales tax of the purchase price. Just like if you purchased something at the store, it works the same way.

As Techno mentioned, and his sales tax is 15% in montreal. There is a small duty handling fee on top, but that's minor and differs between countries and states.


Hi guys, happy new year to everybody! I apologize for not replying in time, but I was very busy with celebrations and family.

Anyway, thanks to your answers I can consider this thread closed. You have been very clear about this topic and now all I have to do is choosing the right components for my project.:):P