Upgrade to ARC Pro

Your robot can be more than a simple automated machine with the power of ARC Pro!


Progress = rats nest of wire lol , its hard to keeporganized when your developing . Try a bag of small zip ties about every 4 inches. Keep the a little loose so you can pull wire to each direction , after your done wiring that section just tighten them down, zipties are so cheap its easy to replace if you gotta go back and rewire something :-)


Goodlooking set of tracks , have you tested how much weight you can load and still move easy? Not to trust youtube but i just saw one move around ok with maybe a little stress with a 5 pound bag of sugar lol


Buster is getting very heavy (15-20 lbs.) and he still moves around very well. I am running almost 12 volts through his stock gear motors. You may have noticed he is VERY noisy.


Was he originally 6 volts on the pwr supply? Is there a noticeable improvement in movement with the 12 volts?


He was originally 5 D cells or 7.5 volts. I am now running 11.1 LiPo. I am also running a variable voltage regulator and find he needs most of the 11.1 but it is nice to be able to slow him down when I want.