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Has anyone hacked Buster www.ebay.com/itm/toy-robot-buster-/140595523366?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item20bc256f26 I took out all the screws and he will not come apart. There must be a way but I sure can't find it. Any help would be greatly apreciated.
There might be some hidden screws under a sticker or something. If all else fails, whip out your demel and after marking out the best place to cut, begin the surgery.
I bought one a few months ago but haven't gotten around to touching it yet. When i'm back home in a few weeks i'll see what I come up with. I'll let you know how to take it apart when I find out
... Many toys have clips and screws. Or they glue the edges, and screws.
I find a heat gun helps for glued edges
This is the one i bought. They damaged his hand in shipping
I found my problem. If you take out all the screws he comes apart real easy.