Here is the page. You can spend hours looking at all the links here. I believe that someone posted this at the B9 club.
Retro robots are my favorite I also really like anything old and retro. Specifically movies. There's a few good ones I watched recently that are cheesy and fun..
Thanks for the link DJ. I like the old movies once in a while. I watched "Future World" the other day. It is being offered for free on Comcast. I clicked on this one to see what it was like, and ended up watching the whole thing. The ending was a bit unexpected.
Go! This is an authentic relic, never ceases to amaze the human imagination regardless of the time.
Awesome.... A 'must show' to my students at school. Thanks @Danger!
tameion, I'm on my phone now. When I get back to my computer I'll find you a great link with many real robots from the turn of the century on.
Danger, can you post the link please?
Tks, Den
Here is the page. You can spend hours looking at all the links here. I believe that someone posted this at the B9 club.
that is AWESOME!
Here is one more link that was on that site that might be of interest to some here.
That's schweeet!
Thanks for the link ! Looking at all these gives me a lot of design ideas.
Retro robots are my favorite
I also really like anything old and retro. Specifically movies. There's a few good ones I watched recently that are cheesy and fun..
The Time Travelers!
Thanks for the link DJ. I like the old movies once in a while. I watched "Future World" the other day. It is being offered for free on Comcast. I clicked on this one to see what it was like, and ended up watching the whole thing. The ending was a bit unexpected.
I especially like the old "Twilight Zone" series.