I focused on your robots long time. They are really great. I like all.
Now, I have a idea through my own thought. I have a Eye Tracker and EEG device. Then, I want to take advantage of two equipment to control your robot.
Through selection on those robots, I like Revolution Roli ($249.00 USD) Robot. However, some problems I want know and learn to.
Firstly, the rotation angles of cameras mounted on the robot, can I controlled?
Secondly, I want to design my software (Not used in Commercial, but used in Research). Do you provide the SDK of Revolution Roli?
Thirdly, I ever used your EZ-SDK for spy tank, I found that I can not capture the image data (I mean not just display the image in the pane on C#, I need the image data) from the function of SDK, maybe I made some mistakes. So, I want to know whether or not I can get the image data in Revolution Roli. The image data is very important for my research.
Fourthly, the arm for Revolution Roli I needed, I care that I can control hands to carry somethings?
I am looking forward to reply.
Thank you.
Mingxin From Boston.
You could configure it this way, it uses the EZ-Bit click n play technology so you can add in any extra servos and brackets that may be needed. Roli's shop page and the upcoming videos will give you more info on what comes as stock with the Roli.
Yes you will need to use the SDK in that case.
Wait for an EZ-Robot member of staff to answer this one.
See answer 1.
A few more details, building on Rich's answers.
The Roli camera is mounted on servo pan and tilt EZ-Bits. This gives 180 degrees left/right and up/down. If you need more, you can add additional servo EZ-bits and effectively get 360 degrees of rotation (180 for the first servo, 180 for the second).
The SDK is the same for all EZ-B controlled bots. It will work with Roli, JD, Six or any robot created using an EZ-B controller.
3). As Rich said, I think we need EZ-Robotics to chime in here. The previous EZ-B camera was just a Window's video device, so anything not explicitly provided in the SDK would still be available to video processing capabilities of your IDE (C# or VB.Net). It is not clear from the descriptions posted so far if the EZ-Bits camera will be able to function in the same way, or if it is proprietary to ARC only. We know it needs to be connected to an EZ-B board to send video back to the PC, but not the communication details once there.
Thanks, Alan.
Because my English is not good. So maybe you do not understand me all.
Firstly, it is perfect for my need, from your said I know the camera is given 180 degrees left/right and up/and down. I want to further know that the servo can control the camera by angles? My meaning is that rotation angle command can be sent to robot? For example, I send 5 degree to robot, then the camera mounted on the robot turn 5 degree. Of course, it is just a example. I hope it can rotated any angles by user within 180 degree. Or, how much degrees can be rotated in interval, 1 degree, 2 degrees, or ....?
Secondly, I got it. Is that meaning I download the EZ-SDK For Programmers from the website: http://synthiam.com/Products/ARC? Then I add the DLL into my designed software?
Thirdly, I am not understand your meaning all. You means that the previous EZ-B camera could not have abilities to send the video image to users for processing, it is just only to see the image from that camera for user? In other words, the spy tank is not produced by EZ-Robot, it can not be dealt with? Ok, that fine. I just want to buy robot produced from EZ-Robot, can I process the video image from camera mounted on the robot. Because I need the image from robot, then I used my Eye Gaze Tracker to control the robot move camera with my gaze, which is captured on the PC monitor. As I said, I need to calibration between the image from mounted on the robot and the eye tracker.
Fourthly, I need the 3 servo, I just test my software whether or not control the arm up/down and left/right by EEG signals. I think it is good. I want to know robot's hand (not arm), is it can open and close? I mean the hand open is for grabbing, the hand close is for grabbed.
Lastly, the speed of Roli Robot can be controlled by users? I mean that the different speed commands are sent to the robot by users, then its speed can be changed from low to fast and fast to low?
Thank you.
Yes, the camera can be set to specific angles. The V4 supports 180 positions for a servo. It's not necessarily degrees, it depends on the full rotation of the servo. I.E If it rotates 150 degrees then each step is going to be 150/180 so 0.833 degrees. If it can rotate exactly 180 degrees then each step will be 1 degree. If it rotates 190 degrees each step will be 190/180 so 1.05 degrees.
Instructions are available for the SDK. Basically you download the SDK and place the DLLs in to your software yes. You don't need ARC if you use the SDK, it's either or. ARC is the GUI version.
Currently (and I imagine it will remain) any camera that is detected by the Windows PC running ARC can send the video image to ARC and ARC processes it on the PC. The V4's camera is different as it does processing on board the camera. Therefore, at this stage we are unsure if it will be supported by the SDK or when it will be if they do add the support. Only EZ-Robots can answer that.
Not 100% sure what you mean by your fourth question. If you are asking if the EZ-B can control a servo to open and close a hand or gripper then yes it can.
Yes, speed can be changed. The EZ-B supports PWM which would basically mean you have a range for the speed of 0 to 100. This can be changed while the robot is moving or stationary.
Click on the Learn tab of the top menu and have a look at all of the tutorials, they will answer the majority of your questions.
Ok, Thank you.
About the rotation angles. I got it. Perfect. It is my need. I have a problem that the Roli Robot's camera used the 180 positions Servo? I can send the specific angles to Roli for controlling its camera rotation?
What's meaning about the EZ-Bulider GUI version?
Ok, I just want to sure the video image whether or not processing in my software. That meaning is to use provided SDK to capture the image to processing in my software. I do not understand your meaning all. What's only EZ-Robots can answer it? That mean Roli (I want to buy) Robot can sent the image to processing in my software?
Sorry, what's the V4 meaning? Is that camera type?
Thank you.
Have a look around the website, all of the information is there on the various pages. Look at the pages under the Explore and Learn sections.
ARC is the software which can control the EZ-B. The SDK is the developers kit for visual basic. ARC has easy to use controls already waiting to be used. In the words on another member "it's point, click, drag and you're done"
Only EZ-Robots staff can answer the questions about the camera. It is yet to be released to us and is still pre-order therefore none of us have used it nor do we have any idea if the SDK will support all of the features of the camera.
The V4 is the next version of the EZ-B which is on pre-order and is in the Roli, JD and Six robots.
I will look around the website.
But you do not answer my question: About the rotation angles. I got it. Perfect. It is my need. I have a problem that the Roli Robot's camera used the 180 positions Servo? I can send the specific angles to Roli for controlling its camera rotation? I just care the Roli Robot.
EZ-Robots staff, can you transfer the questions to them and answer me? Thank you.
"Roli is a very customizable planetary rover styled robot platform with 13 female EZ-Bit connections for additional EZ-Bits. Much like a space exploration vehicle, this robot was designed to be a workhorse and move across different surfaces. With two 7.4v LiPo batteries powering 2 motors, this robot platform has enough torque to tackle tough terrain. The wheels and treads are also adjustable in height which modifies the ground clearance. The included EZ-Robot EZ-B v4 Camera adds impressive vision tracking capabilities."
The introduction on the Roli Robot wrote the V4 is included in this robot. Why did you say pr-order?
Whatever, I just want to buy Roli Robot. I ask those questions about it.
Maybe you loss patience to me. But I hope you can help me do your best. Or, you can call the Alan to answer me.
Thank you.
What is your native language, maybe we can find someone on the forum to help translate, because I think we are still having some issues in communicating just due to the language barrier.
Let me try again though to address the remaining questions:
"About the rotation angles. I got it. Perfect. It is my need. I have a problem that the Roli Robot's camera used the 180 positions Servo? I can send the specific angles to Roli for controlling its camera rotation?"
I think Rich answered this. When writing your software, you may need to calculate the number to send to the camera servo based on the total rotation available divided by 180 steps. I believe the EZ-B servos that ship with Roli are 180 degree rotation, so you will be able to just send the angle, but they might be slightly more, so you will need to calculate the number to send to select a specific degree of angle. This is something you probably need to wait and see when you get the ROLI.
"What's meaning about the EZ-Bulider GUI version?"
ARC is a Graphical User Interface for running robots built with the EZ-B. 99% of all users can utilize it for all of the functions of their robot. It handles all of the basics with simple controls and has a powerful scripting language. However, from the description of what you are trying to do, particularly with image processing in your own software, Rich and I think you will need the EZ-B SDK. The SDK is a DLL and a set of samples for use in C# or VB.NET that allow you send commands to the EZ-B controller (inside Roli) with your own software.
"Ok, I just want to sure the video image whether or not processing in my software. That meaning is to use provided SDK to capture the image to processing in my software. I do not understand your meaning all. What's only EZ-Robots can answer it? That mean Roli (I want to buy) Robot can sent the image to processing in my software?"
We can't answer this yet. Until The EZ-B versoin 4 and its camera ships, or EZ-Robotics staff answer the question, we don't know if you will be able to capture images from Roli's camera in your software or will be limited to the capabilities in ARC or the SDK. These capabilities are powerful, but may not be what you are looking for.
"Sorry, what's the V4 meaning? Is that camera type?"
V4 means Version 4. EZ-Robots did sell a Version 3 EZ-B (no pre-built robots like Roli) and the developers kit had a wireless camera that communicated directly to the PC without the need to connect it to the EZ-B. The V4 camera requires the EZ-B and we don't know as much about it yet.
Quote from earlier question: "Fourthly, I need the 3 servo, I just test my software whether or not control the arm up/down and left/right by EEG signals. I think it is good. I want to know robot's hand (not arm), is it can open and close? I mean the hand open is for grabbing, the hand close is for grabbed."
Yes, the arms sold for attachment to Roli have an gripper which opens and closes.
Thank you, Alan. I am do a visiting student in USA.
I come from China.
Please answer my questions posted just now and follow. Thank you.
The Roli Robot is on sale from the website: https://synthiam.com/Shop/. The Roli Robot is complete Robot, is it? I want to know this one is V4?
About the image I want to processing in my software on the PC. I want to know detail about it. Who can answer me? Maybe can you transfer the question to other man?
Thank you
Yes Roli comes with the V4.
Again, we do not know about the new camera and the SDK, you will have to wait until someone from EZ-Robot sees the post and can answer your question.
Thanks, Rich.
Perfect, Roli is V4.
If I pay the Roli Robot now, when (How long time) can I receive Roli? I am in Boston, USA.
Can you help me to contact the EZ-Robot staffs to answer my question? I am in trouble until now from yesterday. I hope DJ can answer me. Please...
Thank you all.
We are all waiting on a shipping date. Everything is in pre-order status right now as the designs are finished and manufacturing starts. If you haven't ordered yet, you will be on the bottom of the list. Latest estimates I have seen are that shipping of existing pre-orders will be in 5-6 weeks.
The EZ-Robotics staff do read the forums and respond when they can. They are all very busy with getting the V4 product and new robots ready for shipping, but someone usually participates every day or two.
None of us have any better way to contact the staff than you do. You can use the "contact us" link to send a direct message, but you will probably be directed back here to the forum, or asked to wait until the products start shipping to get the kind of detailed answers you are still looking for.
It's still in pre-order. We do not know an exact time/date when they will begin shipping out all pre-orders. They are on a first come first served basis and many many pre-orders have already been taken.
Going by the email which was sent out last week there is an additional 30-45 day delay which means the first of the pre-orders will not be shipped until the early part of next year. If the first batch of Rolis have already been completely pre-ordered then there will be additional waiting time too.
The sooner you pre-order the sooner you will receive the items.
DJ and other staff will read this post and, if able to, comment on your question.
I can tell you from personal experience that the EZ Staff is on top of things. I don't think anybody anticipated the huge reception that the EZ Revolution has been met with. That on top of the fact that their marketing team has been hitting it out of the park. Then there's the word of mouth. Anytime anyone mentions anything remotely robotics related, I start pitching the EZ. So unfortunately they are a bit backed up.
I'm sure they are doing 2 things right now. Working on getting us our robots and parts, and shooting new videos. I love EZ Robot. They've made a life long interest achievable and affordable. And the community is amazing.
We're all playing the waiting game and I know it's easier said than done but, be patient and your answers will come.
@eyetracker I placed my order for Roli Sept 18 2013... There was a delay in manufacturing so we won't get our shipment until maybe late January 2014.. We are all waiting...
@rryerson You ave waited three months, it is too long time. OK, We only left a thing is wait. It is bad for me, since I need it for my research. What do you do after receiving Roli?