Asked — Edited

ARC Error At Loading Of Ippsp Libarary?

After update today causing error, ARC starts OK but as soon as I select a project or Add an item (Camera causes the error when selected), I get the following error:

Error Title: Error at loading of ippSP library

Error Comment: No DLLs were found in Waterfall procedure.

After error flashes ARC freezes and then closes

Worked fine prior update.

UPDATE: Problem fixed, Caused by the files in: C:\Windows\SysWOW64 ippcore-6.1.dll ippj-6.1.dll ippjw7-6.1.dll ipps-6.1.dll ippvc-6.1.dll

Removed file's from directory and saved in a folder in case needed later. Now ARC works.

Error at loading of ippSP library

No DLLs were found in the Waterfall procedure


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Yes but work until current update. See updated post above (-: Thank You I forgot about that (-: