I have an odd problem that happens sometimes. I'll preface this issue by saying this has happened in the past a number of years ago.
I have a robot that has three EZB's connected to ARC (Two regular EZB's and one IoTiny) over WIFI in client mode. The two full sized EZB's are v4's. My problem is that sometimes the ARC connection skill will connect to the two big EZBs in the wrong order. The address stays the same in the connection skill but it will swap the two EZBs when connecting. When this happens ARC will not control the robot properly as the script commands are being sent to the wrong EZB. For example I have Kangaroo/Sabertooth motor controllers that are attached to Uart ports on one EZB positioned in connection 0 and need encoder homing commands to work. These commands are being sent to the other EZB. Another example is I have my sound system attached to one EZB. When this swapping issue happens sound files will play out of the other EZB's mini speaker.
To correct this I have to go back into the Connection Skill and do a scan for the correct EZB that belongs in the proper connection slot. When I do this I notice that the second to last number in the address has indeed swapped. The EZB with becomes and visa versa.
I know one of these units is an older model. Maybe a v4.x/1. The bottom board could even be one of the first 100 that was hand assembled in Canada when this model was first released. It has the old large yellow antenna looking thing soldered to this bottom board. The top board has been updated. I can't confirm how old the second EZB is right now as I'm not near it and won't be for a while. It also may be an older model v4.x/1 but just as well may be a newer v4.x/2.
I've had this issue happen on different WIFI networks with different and new routers.
I have another robot that surly has three of the newer EZB v4.x/2 and has not had this issue happen.
Does anyone have any insight on what is happening and how to stop it? I have ordered a new EZB in hopes that this is an anomaly of the old model EZB v4.x/1 bottom board.
It sounds like you're experiencing an issue with the EZ-B v4's connecting in an unexpected order. This could be due to a variety of factors, including network latency or the individual boot times of the EZ-B v4's.
One way to ensure that your EZ-B v4's connect in the correct order is to manually connect them one at a time in the ARC software. You can do this by clicking the "Connect" button for each EZ-B v4 in the order you want them to connect.
If you're still experiencing issues, you might want to consider updating the firmware on your EZ-B v4's. You can find instructions on how to do this in the support section on the Synthiam website.
If the problem persists after trying these steps, it could be a hardware issue. In that case, replacing the older EZ-B v4's with newer ones, as you mentioned you've ordered, could resolve the issue.
Remember, it's important to ensure that each EZ-B v4 has a unique IP address to avoid any connection conflicts.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.
@Athena , I failed to mention that I have the EZB's connecting automatically when ARC starts up through a INT Script. I've never had this problem when connecting manually like you mention. However I have not connected the EZBs manually very often.
How do I make sure each of my EZB's has a unique IP address? If they don't, how do I give them one?
Edit, @Athena seems to have stopped answering me. Ugh.
@Athena, How do I make sure each of my EZB's has a unique IP address? If they don't, how do I give them one?
To ensure each of your EZ-B v4's has a unique IP address, you can follow these steps:
If you find that two or more of your EZ-B v4's have the same IP address, you can change it using the EZ-B v4 Wi-Fi Client Mode. This mode allows you to connect the EZ-B v4 to your home network and assign it a unique IP address.
Here are the steps to change the IP address:
Remember, each IP address on your network must be unique. If two devices have the same IP address, it can cause connection issues.
For more detailed instructions, you can refer to the EZ-B v4 Wi-Fi Client Mode tutorial in the support section on the Synthiam website.
I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.
As I mentioned in my first post, I'm currently connecting in Client Mode. There is no gear icon. The Gear icon had been replaced with a Scan Icon in a previously update of ARC. As mentioned, each EZB does have a different IP address. As mentioned, becomes and visa versa.
I apologize for the confusion. In the ARC software, the "Scan" button is used to find and connect to EZ-B v4's on your network. If your EZ-B v4's are swapping IP addresses, it could be due to your router's DHCP settings. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a network protocol that enables a server to automatically assign an IP address to a computer from a defined range of numbers configured for a given network.
You can try assigning a static IP address to each of your EZ-B v4's. This means that the IP address for each EZ-B v4 will remain the same, even if they are disconnected and reconnected.
To assign a static IP address, you would need to access your router's settings. This process can vary depending on the brand and model of your router, so you may need to refer to your router's manual or the manufacturer's website for specific instructions.
Once you're in your router's settings, look for a section called "DHCP Reservation", "Static Leases" or something similar. Here, you can assign a specific IP address to the MAC address of each EZ-B v4. The MAC address of your EZ-B v4 can be found in the Wi-Fi settings in the ARC software.
Please note that when assigning static IP addresses, you need to make sure that they are within the range of your router's DHCP pool and that they do not conflict with any other devices on your network.
If you're not comfortable changing your router's settings, or if this doesn't resolve the issue, I would recommend reaching out to Synthiam's support team for further assistance.
I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.
@Athena, I have had this issue on different routers and different networks. Besides, when I had this problem several years ago @DJ told me not to assign static IP addresses to the offending EZB's. He said it was not necessary. However I did go ahead and try this approach back then and it seemed to solve the issue back then. I do agree with DJ, I shouldn't have to do this.
I understand your concern. Assigning static IP addresses is often used as a workaround and not a definitive solution. The EZ-B v4's should ideally be able to manage their IP addresses dynamically without issues.
If you've experienced this issue across different routers and networks, it could be related to the EZ-B v4's themselves, especially if they are older models as you mentioned.
You mentioned that you've ordered a new EZ-B v4. When it arrives, try replacing one of the older EZ-B v4's with the new one and see if the issue persists. This could help determine if the problem is hardware-related.
In the meantime, I would recommend reaching out to Synthiam's support team directly. They may be able to provide more specific troubleshooting steps or potential firmware updates that could resolve the issue.
I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.
I think you should assign static ip’s to ezbs. Not sure why I ever said otherwise but maybe I didn’t fully understand the issue before. When the ezb’s are dynamically assigned, the ips will be assigned in order of which boots fastest on some routers. So I’d go into your router and hardcode the ip for each device in the dhcp settings
Thanks @DJ. I'll give it a try. It'll be a few months before I can get back to this issue. The robot with the this issue is up in Long Island NY at a friends home and I'm back home in Florida. I'll report back then.
Oh wow. That might be why it happened when you brought the robot there. Because it was a new internet and router connection. That means the ip addresses would all change. So if they were hardcoded next time it wouldn’t be a problem
Actually when I got there I did an ARC Connection Control scan on each EZB and reentered their new network IPs. The next day after I had entered them the EZB's switched IPs. Head scratcher.
I think entering a static IP address when I get back may be the best solution in the long run. I'll also be installing a new EZB to replace a damaged one at that time.
On a related note, when I was there earlier this week I tried to log into his router's settings interface and failed. I was going to try the static IP address trick but for some reason I keep getting taken to an actual internet web page instead of the router's settings interface. I ran out of time because I had to catch a flight out. Hopefully I'll be able to access the router when I get back up there.