Asked — Edited


Hello, Did I hear you correctly that ARC will support more than one EZ-B at a time now? If so I need another one. The last one took a month to get to me. Do you have expedited shipping?


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We have arranged a quicker shipping method now yah. The current orders have taken 4-5 days. We're much happier with the new service:)


Okay, I just placed my order. How do you run two EZ-B's at the same time? Just add two blue tooth devices?


Add each EZ-B to your computer, just like you did with the first one. Right click -> Add Device etc..

Then in ARC, you have drop downs for all 5 EZ-B's. In each control there is now a drop down to select what EZ-B it connects to.

For scripting, you put the EZ-B board number in front of the command. If there is no number in front of the command, it assumes board 0

# this will move servo D0 to position 5 on EZ-B 0
servo(d0, 5)

# this will move servo D0 to position 10 on EZ-B 3
3.servo(d0, 10)