United Kingdom
— Edited

Hi, so I want to make the grippers from my 1980's Omnibot mechanical, does anyone have any experience in doing this with the original grippers?
I have a servo & some gears from an old shredder which I may be able to use?
Here's some pictures of the grippers and gears I have if they are any use.
Any schematics or ideas welcome
I've just drew up something very quickly, not 100% sure it will work though but you get the general idea I hope?
i have somthing, im working on a omnibot too, and i have made his claw work with a mini servo, and a mini servo for his wrist and a ring baring in the wrist too, i will post some pic.s. i still have to post some pics of the wall-e i did too.
I will up load some of inside the claw when I open it
The servo for his shoulder needs to be a heavy duty servo
That's exactly how I did Melvin's
(Before I decided I didn't like the original arms)
Tip: If you plan to have independent movement of the elbow joint with a micro servo hidden inside the arm that servo also needs to be heavy duty as I found out on Melvin (who doesn't have the connecting rods any more - in fact they are now in Canada
helping a different omnibot out).
Thanks, what servo did you use for Melvin's shoulders with his old arms?
Thanks, I've pretty much got mine setup like this too with the servo in his shoulder and wrist, the ring bearings are a nice touch. Wasn't going to put seperate servos in his joints yet but you've got me thinking about it now? Hmmm, so many options.
Some pictures of the inside mechanism would be be fantastic, thanks again
MG995s on the shoulders running on 6V. MG90s on the elbows running on 6V.
These were only just capable although I wasn't satisfied hence scrapping the arms.
lol, im not going for looks, well, thats all the arm is good for. lol
Cool, thanks. It's given me some ideas now
How well does it work? Is one gripper fixed so that just the one side opens?
yea, thats how it is now. i did not have the parts to make the two work.
it works well, not for doing much tho, just looks cool. Its just somthing to make the omnibot's arm move. make him wave, and hold things. nut much power tho. more for the looks of the arm moving