— Edited
DJ. i hope you don't mind but couldn't find a CAD drawing of ez b so i put one together for all to use. if it is a problem let me know and i'll remove it
That is amazing! Great for Sketchup and Solidworks. Very cool
thanks glad you like it
Someone should add this to your wiki also
We're going to add the wiki as a resource on the new website that is going up soon
Nice work on the drawing. DJ, excellent! I'm looking forward to the new website!
Has anyone ever knocked together Blender files for EzB parts?
DJ Sures can you make it not to inspenceve because my birthday is coming soon (20 july 2013)
DJ, do you have a time machine?
I think there is something wrong with the file link on sketchup. Does anyone have the file they can send me?
try this link https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model.html?id=5b6893673582f396f1c9067a4dc4cb7c if it doesn't work send me your email and I'll send it to you
And in the 3d print resources area: https://synthiam.com/Community/Revolution/DesignFiles.aspx