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Life-Size Humanoid Robot
I am looking for help and advice. I just moved to Killeen, Texas and I have a lot of time on my hands. I am planning on taking a robotic course at Central Texas College.
I will like to plan and build a humanoid robot that is life size. I just brought a small humanoid robot kit and a humanoid robot hand kit to help teach myself. After I built them I will be buying a 3d printer and some parts to start building different parts and maybe use the EZ Robot software to help program the robot.
Any advice? I am planning on using several rechargeable batteries that I think will be in the chest area.
If anyone know any of other projects that might help let me know. I will like to build a realistic head.
You will want to look into the inmoov project http://inmoov.fr
Also search for inmoov on this forum. Several EZ-B users have or are building them and some have made some improvements to the design.
Hi rmcmurrer,
Welcome! There are a few people on this forum that are 3D printing and building Inmoov robots. Bob Houston and Richard R have both built fantastic life sized Inmoov's. There are lots of threads discussing their work and showing their skilled building techniques. Just do a search on this forum for their names or InMoov. There are other people building these also but Bob and Richard seem to have had the most success and have shared most of their work. At least this would be a good place to start.
Have Fun!
A life size robot would be a rather complex and costly project ! Large motors ,heavy batteries and mechanical parts...sophisticated control systems... Large teams of experts are working on that, with million dollars invested. Is there some hobbyst who managed to make something like that ? I'd like to know his solutions.
@leonardo46, As Dave recommended, search this forum or Google for Inmoov. It is life sized, but doesn't walk (although Richard R build a mobile platform for his).
Yes, expensive parts and lots of time investment to 3D print all of the parts, but already here.
@leonardo46 As Alan mentioned... Google inMoov.... Although Bob Houston's inMoov is more impressive than mine if you go on youtube and search inMoov Bartender that one is mine.... Bob's videos of his inMoov are also on youtube.... You will now see what the ezb4 can really do.... It's not just for basic "wander around and not bump into anything type" robots.... Think bigger and more impressive....
Richard, I looked at your robot inmoov, with wheels (Bartender). It's very impressive, especially for the sophistication of shoulder/arms/hands and their movements. All made using usual servos and 3D printed parts. I saw he had a remote control . How was it interfaced to the robot?
I saw it also in a kitchen, moving around, giving a drink to a lady, driven by speech recognition.
Did you use ezb for everything ? How did you implement picking a bottle and a glass and filling it, and moving around? Where those actions prepared for that specific environment in an open-loop mode or some feedback to check the movements was used? There was some remote control ?
Bi-pedal walking would have been much more complex for a life-size robot. I have done some experimentation for that, but I have never achieved results. Somebody has ?
@leonardo46 ... It was not remote controlled... He was completely autonomous.... From start to finish he was using just ARC scripts and the Auto Position control.... I was taking the video as my girlfriend Sue was using voice control and prompts to converse with inMoov. I used 1 ezb4 and a SSC-32 servo control board (since my inMoov has about 26 servos in all)....
The creator of inMoov (Gael Langavin) is currently working on a leg design and should be releasing the STLs within a year or so I am guessing...
Ok,Richard. I'd like to know if the movements around the table, and the ones for filling and offering a filled glass, were actions and frames prepared for that specific place ,e.g. " turn right, go straight for 80 inches, turn left, go straight for 40 inches, stop there, move the arm to that position, etc." or there was some sensor and a feedback to detect the actual position and to move the robot accordingly.
They were custom scripts I wrote. I have 2 ping ultrasonic sensors measuring distant on two sides my inMoov's base... One facing forward and one on the left side.... Using just those 2 pings and my custom scripts I had him navigated around the island and stop at Sue's side... Navigating around the island was the easiest part.... The co-ordination needed to pour the glass of wine was a more difficult script to write...
In his right hand he had a small Sharp 2cm ~ 5cm IR sensor. He uses it to detect objects in his hand. In the case of my video when Sue put the glass in his hand it triggered the IR sensor which in turned triggered inMoov to begin pouring the wine.... He also used the IR sensor to detect and give the handshake at the end...
Very impressive . There are very many 3D printed pieces. A large work. Did you 3D print them yourself , or you've bought or have them made by somebody? What was the cost?
I 3d printed it and built it myself... I currently own two 3D printers.... There are probably about 100 stl files (parts) to print... It is estimated to be about 600+ hours of print time depending on your printer, type of material you are using and of course whether or not some parts needed to be reprinted... However new parts are being designed by the Gael the designer and community all the time so inMoov is a constant work in progress for most people...
Not including a 3d printer I would estimate $1200 to build the current inMoov. More $ later when and if Gael releases the leg design...
Including servos ?
Yes, about $1200 give or take for what is known as the "base" inMoov.... That is for servos, nuts and bolts, screws, filament and odds and ends... Mine cost way more because I built a mobile base for it.... One of the problems is that inMoov is very customizable so it is hard to be accurate on the cost to build one... For instance some use expensive servos, some use cheap... Some pay more for filament than others... I built mine out of ABS, which is usually a little cheaper than PLA....
Thank you for this information. I only asked for an order of magnitude.
I don't have a 3d printer. I usually make my robots with wood . The pieces I designed, are few and rather simple and faster to make than 3D. But I'm considering to use 3D, that has of couse many advantages.