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3D Pen Newbi


My name is Deanna, Dee for short. I work with computers but mainly I'm an artist. The list of things I do is endless. Now I'm adding 3D pen to the mix. I'll have it tomorrow. For the moment however I not only am so happy I found like minded people. I also have a question. To begin my hubby Scott ordered a 3D scribbler pen. Now I'm hunting for as much info as I can get. All I've found so far are two books. I ordered both but I'm absolutely dying for more. When it comes to books Scott and I have a few rule. Books rank at number one. We will go without food it it means we get a book. I also will purchase all books on what ever subject. They tend to say different things but over the 20+ years Its easy to put all the books together understand information usually right down the middle.

I'm stuck now tho. I even want ebooks. I'm gonna guess there are more out there than the few I've ordered and read. Those stick out like a sore thumb. If anyone has info on where I can find more books I'd greatly appreciate it. Help please!

Thanks in advance Dee


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Clever Spam? Even if it isn't I am guessing you have the wrong forum... None of this has anything to do with robotics which is what this forum is about....