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Sorry, what does this message mean? Can you provide some details.


@osmond1114 - Welcome to the community and forum.

Because I know you are new to the community I think you might not be using the forum posts correctly. For example you started this post asking for assistance as if something was broke - which it is not. A "Need Assistance" post would be if you purchased an EZ-Robot product and it is not working as expected or you are having an issue with something inside of ARC which is the software - these are examples of something that might be broke or where you require additional training or knowledge or help to use the product.

When you flag a post as "Need Assistance" the post will offer auto help suggestions and also offer community members a chance to earn store credit if they assist in answering the questions. Which is why a general questions like this about a robot idea is not a "Need Assistance" post.

Does that make sense so far?

Your first post was related to this same topic:

It was a "General Discussion" post and it was the correct type of post to make for asking questions like "I'd like to take a mannequin head and convert it so I can control it with EZ-Robot products - can the community help me with some ideas on how to do that?"

Some ideas were offered under that post already. If you didn't like those ideas, you would have wanted to keep the discussion rolling by saying, "Hey thanks for these ideas, but I think I want to use a mannequin head but I could use some help getting started to control it."

Does that make sense?

I think a few community members have made used mannequin head or mannequin style heads so I'm sure you'll get ideas and suggestions - but I think it should be under your originally post.