Live Robot Hack Session

Rock em' Sock em' Robots live Hack...Back once again with the ill behavior!

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Related Hardware EZ-B IoTiny Arduino Genuino Uno

Rock em' Sock em' Robots Live Hack (Part 3)

I've always loved the look of the Rock'em Sock'em Robots game but absolutely hated the feel of it. My goal will to robotize the game. I'll be adding in Micro HDD servos for the punching arms and 2 mini gantry systems for the X-Y movement. I'd like the game to feel like a real life super punch out! I hope to add the capability to play with two players (USB joysticks), or against an A.I. opponent. I'd also like to incorporate the power glove in some way. While I'm not a fan of robot violence I do have a special place in my heart for friendly, non-destructive, competition.

I will continue to tweak the hardware and I hope to get into some of the software with EZ-Builder.

Challenges still left to do:

  • Mount the gantry to the ring
  • Mount Blue Bomber to the the gantry
  • Repeat everything for Red Rocker
  • Figure out a sensor system for the head popping
  • Figure out how to receive serial commands on the Arduino to move the stepper motors
  • Software for: Player vs Player. Player vs AI, and AI vs AI.

Join the live chat and add your comments, ideas, and suggestions!


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