Live Robot Hack Session

Drifting Robot Live Hack

23 people have subscribed to this event

Related Hardware EZ-B IoTiny
Related Control Dual HBridge w/PWM

I've always wanted to make a robot with mecanum wheels, and as I was shopping the other day I stumbled across a low-cost RC car with some on it! What a perfect thing to hack.

Manufacturer Link:

Walmart Link:

I'll be adding an EZ-Robot IoTiny to this chassis and I'll try to reuse as much electronics as I can. I have to upgrade the battery as the IoTiny will likely have a hard time running off a single cell LiPo. I'll also add a camera as a sensor and a POV cam.

The software being used is created by Synthiam, it's called ARC and can be downloaded here:

Robot building products were generously donated by EZ-Robot, If you'd like to use their products for your own project, find them at:

Join the live chat and add your comments, ideas, and suggestions!


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Elevate your robot's capabilities to the next level with Synthiam ARC Pro, unlocking a world of possibilities in robot programming.


Yes this will be fun! Will follow this..something I've wanted to do for some time....but struggled with how to do it with the movement panel.


Sorry guys, I'm gonna push this back to 7:30. I'm running a bit behind today!

#4   — Edited

ok Jeremie  see you then


Need a bit more time!!!:D

#6   — Edited

Lol..i fell asleep and managed to wake up to see the car zooming. I missed your last chat comment...I thought DJ was channeling Michael Jackson with the glove on...hope he isn't burned too badly and recovers quickly.

Good hack, I'll have to watch parts tomorrow. Were you able to replicate the strafing movement like the original toy moved? That was always my problem with exploring that kinda drive.


Thanks guys! I ran out of steam before I could figure out the strafing movements. After I finished streaming I moved the robot left and right by hand and found out how the wheels should move. To strafe left for example the two wheels on the left must move inwardly (toward each other) and the two wheels on the right must must outwardly (away from each other). It’s the opposite to strafe right. I’ll do my best to post a video about it.


Look forward to how you set up the strafe!


Nice one!! Looking forward to see it conquering the pavement!!!:D


Hey Jer, you remember that first live hack with Rock em sock em robots?These guys could have made it easy! Battle Bots


Lol, definitely! I saw those the other day and thought the same thing. But I'm a retro enthusiast at heart so I really wanted to stay true to the classic Rock em Sock em bots:D


I've got to go back and watch those... Rock em Sock em bots were so cool! haha

#14   — Edited

Did you ever get this car going sideways. The car turned up in my local Walmart and I was considering buying one. I was just  looking at the DJI robomaster robot with those mecanum wheels and ... anyway $500 US to get a remote controlled robot that goes sideways ... yeah no