Live Robot Hack Session
15 people have subscribed to this event
I'm going to re-visit one of my favorite projects that's been on the back burner for wayyyyyyy too long.....what project could it be?!?
Voltron forever!
an ez robot?haha i see a message download ical invite? do i need that for wathing the videostream ?
[color=#111111][size=3][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Voltron!!! I’m so excited for this build
[color=#111111][size=3][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Nomad, you can either add it to your calendar or click notify me and we will send an email reminder an hour before the event [/font][/size][/color]
I choosed notify me.i like these live stream.
Have fun tonight Jeremy. Should be awesome. I'll try to drop by
Going live soon! Getting OBS setup
Jeremie, you had the bot moving better than I thought it could be,smooth movements!
Thanks @Robo Rad! I hope to get Voltron walking next week! We'll see how it goes
:)Really enjoyed the live stream Jeremie, looking forward to the next one!
:)For me it is just fascinating to watch other people work on the custom EZ robots . I have used the same EZ 4 controller for 3 different robots and every time I need to do "surgery" to transplant the EZ Heart into another robot, all the wires,sensors,Motor controllers are still all connected like an octopuss hanging on and I have done the transplant so many times successfully that I can probably do it in my sleep! I wish my memory was as good with the EZ scripting but It always takes me a good hour to remember the script commands so the robot will function the way I want.
defender hi jeremie i found this ,the defender from voltron.
Thanks for the positive comments guys, I really appreciate it!
@Nomad thanks for sharing, that Voltron from the new series on Netflix. I've seen those toys at Toys'r'us here in Canada but I'm not as much of a fan of the new Voltron look as I am of the 1980's style. The original Voltron is more nostalgic for me