Live Robot Hack Session

Botmatrix Side Stream 3

15 people have subscribed to this event

I'm going to re-visit one of my favorite projects that's been on the back burner for wayyyyyyy too long.....what project could it be?!?:D


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Unleash your creativity with the power of easy robot programming using Synthiam ARC Pro


an ez robot?haha i see a message download ical invite? do i need that for wathing the videostream ?


[color=#111111][size=3][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Voltron!!! I’m so excited for this build:)[/font][/size][/color]

[color=#111111][size=3][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Nomad, you can either add it to your calendar or click notify me and we will send an email reminder an hour before the event [/font][/size][/color]


I choosed notify me.i like these live stream.


Have fun tonight Jeremy. Should be awesome. I'll try to drop by


Going live soon! Getting OBS setup;)


Jeremie, you had the bot moving better than I thought it could be,smooth movements!


Thanks @Robo Rad! I hope to get Voltron walking next week! We'll see how it goes:D


:)Really enjoyed the live stream Jeremie, looking forward to the next one!


:)For me it is just fascinating to watch other people work on the custom EZ robots . I have used the same EZ 4 controller for 3 different robots and every time I need to do "surgery" to transplant the EZ Heart into another robot, all the wires,sensors,Motor controllers are still all connected like an octopuss hanging on and I have done the transplant so many times successfully that I can probably do it in my sleep! I wish my memory was as good with the EZ scripting but It always takes me a good hour to remember the script commands so the robot will function the way I want.


Thanks for the positive comments guys, I really appreciate it!

@Nomad thanks for sharing, that Voltron from the new series on Netflix. I've seen those toys at Toys'r'us here in Canada but I'm not as much of a fan of the new Voltron look as I am of the 1980's style. The original Voltron is more nostalgic for me;)