to power the ezb controller what value of voltage needed and at what AM value. im using a 9 voltage power supply at 1 am... no all servo works just the continues
to power the ezb controller what value of voltage needed and at what AM value. im using a 9 voltage power supply at 1 am... no all servo works just the continues
I understand that it's hard to find this info on the EZ Robots website. It's always been an issue and hard to find but it's there. Here's the link to the datasheet that will give you all the info you need: EZB v4 Datasheet
To answer your voltage question by referancenincing this datasheet, the EZB v4 will accept a dc voltage between 4.5 and 16 vdc.
Your question is hard to understand as I don't know what AM value means. Follow my link and you will be able to find all your answers.
EDIT: Just one more thought, a small 9 volt transistor battery (if this is what you are using) may not allow servos to move. However it sounds like you may be using a plug in the wall 9v power supply that is rated for only 1 amp (wall wort). Neither will supply enough amps to get many servos to work properly. You should use more powerful batteries like LIPO or a bigger power supply that is rated for more amps. Match your voltage and amps to the servo's specs. Add up the max amp draw of all servos and size your power supply's rated current (amps) to that number.
Have fun and happy building!!!
@Alsaqri Please note that your servos will need to be rated for 9V as the voltage going to the servos is not regulated. There are not many servos rated for 9V so I would suggest the same as @Dave, lower your voltage and use a battery with more longevity and power.
To make it easy for users to find the manuals for any EZB (including EZ-Robot controllers), there are two (2) buttons on the port selection menu. These buttons can be used when selecting ports to view the manual and datasheets for the current (or selected) EZB.
In this case, pressing that would bring you to this page, which has everything you are asking about: https://synthiam.com/Support/Hardware/EZ-Robot-EZ-B-v4
Lastly, you may not be using the Getting Started Guide, which covers power and other valuable information. Here is the link directly to the power portion of the guide: https://synthiam.com/Support/Get-Started/how-to-make-a-robot/power