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#1   — Edited

We removed Athena’s response because she didn’t understand the question. We also have difficulty understanding this question regarding the Roomba you selected as the hardware. Any information you can add to this question would be very useful to help you.

#2   — Edited

Sorry, I couldn't resist to make a better Navigator joke. What I meant is that this replaces the openai chatgpt skill.


I think support isn't understanding because you might have forgotten to mention what you're talking about in the question. Does "what" replace the openai chatgpt skill? You have Roomba selected as the hardware so I'm also curious what you mean lol. Does the Roomba replace the chat gpt skill?

#4   — Edited

Ok guys, Its easy. I posted in this thread: It is the Autonomous AI post and I selected roomba as hardware becouse, there is nothing else that resembles a skill topic. As for the joke, we have 'The Navigator' Skill and 'The Better Navigator' Skill. And we have also the 'OpenAI ChatGPT' Skill and a BETTER version of it that is the 'Autonomous-AI' Skill. Shouldnt we call it 'The Better OpenAI ChatGPT' Skill? Just a bad joke.


Lol ah. I see! I see you reference the thread because it was posted as a new question. There’s no mention of the autonomous ai so a bunch us of were thinking you were drinking and foruming hahaha

i get it now lol.

lenme tell you a funny story of why it’s called better navigator. It’s a joke from Jeremie. If he made a document or a product or what ever, and he needed to make any additions, he’d call the second version new {insert product here}. So we’d always laugh because the third and fourth revisions would eventually become new new new {product} and it became an inside joke at the office.

so when we created the new navigator robot skill, I had it named The Better Navigator in tribute to jer

its still pretty funny so I get your joke now:)