Asked — Edited

Lost In Space B9 Robot Wrist And Claws Upgrade! Danger! Danger!

After many years it's time to make this big guy even better (I hope, LOL). In this video I'll show and explain the progress I made as I rebuilt parts of my old B9 robot arms. I first finished building these well over 5 years ago. This is the second in a series of upgrades I'm doing to my full sized Lost In Space B9 Robot. God willing, there will be many more to follow over the next few years. I'll add a link below to my Bubble Lifter video I mentioned above. Thanks for watching! Enjoy

The Video:

The Links: Bubble Lifter upgrade video: ServoCity:


Upgrade to ARC Pro

ARC Pro is your gateway to a community of like-minded robot enthusiasts and professionals, all united by a passion for advanced robot programming.


Awesome work!  The desire to build a Robot B9 is what motivated me to get into robotics back in 1980.


@wakeuplearn, Thanks! I completely understand that driving desire.

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Your work is crazy good.  I just love your B9 robot.   I loved this robot when I was a kid. I wanted to be Will Robinson and have my own B9.


I love seeing the inside of the B9. Its soo cool. I'm very much into the mechanics and the electronics that we all like to choose in our creations. Love watching all the servos , gears and wires move about. Great work !


Dave you did it again
