Asked — Edited

Anyone Have An EZB In The Long Island Area For Sale?

I am in desperate need of an an EZB in the New York or Long Island area. I really need it no later than tomorrow afternoon. Wednesday. It can be used as long as it works.

EDIT: fixed. Not needed anymore.  Thanks, Dave Schulpius


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What zip code do you need it? I’m north of New York in Ontario and can overnight one. I need a zip code first to see if it’s possible

#2   — Edited

Thanks DJ. You're a wonderful guy to offer to do this. However, I was able to repair the existing issue so lm retracting my request. I worked all afternoon to straighten it out. I had a sound issue on a robot I am repairing for someone and will only be in this part of the country for two days. It was a broken solder joint at the ezb bottom board that was soldered on to feed a external sound amp. A failed attempt to fix it really messed up the whole board. No sound at all. There's actually 3 ezbs in this robot so I simply swapped the one with the damaged sound section with one that doesn't need to process sound clips. Happy robot now  thanks again.


hey dj/dave

i still would keep the request . always better to have a spare .

#4   — Edited

Good advice Nomad. However I'm going to order a couple new ones and have one sent to the guy who's robot I was working on. He can replace the damaged one that I switched if he wants a new one there. This old damaged one works perfectly except it can't process sound.

Thanks again @DJ for the offer to help. Turns out there is always a solution to a problem and things are not always as desperate as it seems. LOL.

Anyway, this morning, only a few hours after I was in New York, I'm back home sipping a cup of coffee in my back yard down here in SE Florida. That's over 2100 KM that I've traveled over night and I'm looking forward to working on my own robot again. What wonderful age we life in.