Requested — Edited

Request For AIML 2.0

This feature request has been completed. Install the latest ARC Pro to experience the newest features and bug fixes.

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For me as I develop interactive robots I have always had the dream to have a conversational AI that I could teach simply by talking to it. I used the Pandorabot and AIML plugins from this site and enjoyed them both. They were just limited to the old 1.0 standard and all the cool new functionality and ability to learn is in the new 2.0 version.

I had previously suggested the AIML plugin needs to be updated to the 2.0 standard but DJ was unable to extract the new data from the Pandorabots new site. I am thinking there may be a way to do it now.

I remember Program AB which myrobotlab was using for inmoov. It exists as a stand alone program/interpreter that is ease to install and run. I was able to get it running in minutes. It is much like the current AIML plugin here where it installs the files locally and does not need an internet connection to use. No need to interface with a site like pandorabots.

Documentation can be found here;

There are wikis and sections on how to configure and use it.

All the pieces are here to whip up a plugin I am sure. I am thinking if it is something DJ and team don't have the time for I would try writing a plugin. Maybe some of the more experienced programmers here can offer up some advice?


Related Hardware EZ-B v4


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Synthiam ARC Pro is a new tool that will help unleash your creativity with programming robots in just seconds!


Well sir, I would gladly take a look for ya!


That would be killer DJ. I can imagine using Program AB along with your Cognitive Sentiment plugin to create a conversational learning bot that can detect and simulate emotions.


Please do consider Program AB. I see it as much more configurable and we are already passing functions from EZscript to AIML and back. TOns of examples of it doing just what I (and others hopefully) need. I also like that it is local. That means a change at botlibre does not affect me at all.

#5   — Edited

Can you look into bot Libre a bit more first? I managed to find program ab, which has been abandoned years ago. With the amount of effort it would take to implement program ab, id worry it’s an abandoned outdated program.

what does bot Libre not do that program ab does? Or is it because you’re familiar with program ab?

i haven’t ruled out program ab. Just need to prioritize a few days of my time properly


Ezang - Perry is requiring more advanced capabilities. We’re discussing something AIML 2.

#8   — Edited

ok, I understand, just trying to help, sorry



BotLibre looks very promising. A lot of implementation. My Spock eyebrow has raised.

#10   — Edited

It does - but Perry raised this topic and I want to make sure the solution we create addresses his needs as well. Let's see what feedback Perry gives


Sounds good. I'm open to either. Alan and Alena will be happy either way.


Thanks DJ, I am browsing the Botlibre site but need to register to create a bot and see what it is like. I'll do that today to keep this discussion moving forward.

Initial thoughts are that it gears itself towards social media use. Posting to Facebook, Twitter and the like which I am not looking for. Also that and it smacks of a future paywall transition to use the good features. As I said, I need to go through it tonight to make sure. Stay tuned.


Interesting - The paywall perspective is an interesting comment. Does having a cost associated with using Synthiam features detour you from the software? Eventually we're going to be charging for the skill store to increase quality and number of skills.. similar to how an appstore works. We do need to eat and keep the company running - how do you feel about that?


Yes DJ, I see that coming for Synthiam in the future. If the functionality is there I might consider paying for Synthiam. You are definitely providing a service that people want and deserve to make your living off that. It seem inevitable as you look to monetize your product/business. That may mean to be successful you will need to work on more customer centric requests and abandon things like Exoshpere that don't really fit that market and haven't really been requested. Perhaps Exosphere fits into a different corporate revenue stream. It will be a balancing act and I am sure you will figure it out. It will seem funny paying for Synthiam when it used to be free. I always considered it a purchased service when I bought my EZB controllers.

I imagine this question will drive quite a bit of discussion on this board. Maybe we can start a separate thread so this one isn't inundated.


#15   — Edited

That's good feedback - Exosphere is a different customer base than you, presently. There's a large customer base outside of this forum that is the reason for advancing technologies, which will take time and education to get you guys up to speed on. I'll create a thread as we approach that direction. What alternative will you consider if I'm forced to close Synthiam?

I'm going to start with more live hacks to start showing the active community members how to start using these advanced technologies to make robots more autonomous and less pre-scripted puppets. I believe there's a lot of potential in the community, which is why I have fought to keep it alive. Hope I am right:D


Hi DJ,

For the purpose of this thread I would really like to try to incorporate ProgramAB. It seems so much more usable and configurable given its open source nature and long history of use. It may not be state of the art but even I can use AIML seamlessly with Synthiam. I registered and used botlibre for a bit and it all happens behind the scene. It seemed really geared towards facebook chatbots and the sort. It would be good if I wanted a bot for a website to take customer service claims but that is not what I am looking for here.

To answer your other question about what software I would use if Synthiam goes away I am not quite sure what I would turn to. I would probably quit robotics and go live in a yurt living off the land.


Yah - we don't want that..  The yurt living, i mean.

I'll take a more detailed look at program ab for ya

#18   — Edited

What alternative will you consider if I'm forced to close Synthiam?  I hope this never happens.

To a guy like me, who came from out of nowhere in the robotics world, this would be a major tragedy. I have learned so much here . I always considered this forum as a amazing opportunity to learn and to just meet all of you guys.

I am ready to participate in whatever you throw at us. I do enjoy exosphere, I do the 3rd level almost every day, even made my own robot and had people from who knows where, operate it and complete the task.

I obviously don't understand the fulness of it, but again ready to participate in whatever capacity I am able to assist.

Can you please explain the "large customer base outside of this forum that is the reason for advancing technologies that you speak about? and how are they using it?

I always thought of Synthianm as a Debian Linux type model, free to whoever wants to learn with no restrictions on your level of expertise. Leveling the playground.

I do understand this is not a charity. This is a business as was Ez-robot is a business.

If the time comes it comes... to charge! If you do or have to sell the program, or whatever, may I suggest, you still have have beta testers of the software.

I will end here, all the best  - with your future decisions

Thanks EzAng


Maybe support for both...never can have too much of a good thing. Like too much beer.


Both? haha It takes a few days up to a week (between 20-40 or so hours) to make plugins and such.


Hi DJ, Just checking in here to see if you made any progress. Interestingly it shows you m\posted to this thread on the 19th but when I enter the thread it shows the last update was on the 6th. I have noticed this on a couple of threads. Maybe a bug.


Nah - we updated the datetime on some threads when we moved them to feature requests. It helped surface the threads.

I haven't made any progress yet because i'm working on some other stuff. I'll start on it in July I think will have time


Yooooo DJ. I hate that you are losing sleep over not having this done yet. You have been such a great influence and a friend to this community. It pains me such to see you hobbled by internal strife and guilt. To be healthy you must retain steady sleep habits which are are probably at a premium right now.  I just spent 19 hours on WEBMD and 2 weeks with my Jewish Grandmother and I have determined you have a rare case of Perrywanttaplugin. It is a new affliction that can only be cured but the task completion. Then an ARC update. I didn't invent the rules, It's just science. Be looking for Wikipedia to updated with these facts. They are slow sometime.

And remember community - this is the time to reach out to DJ and help. He needs us. Code snipits preferred but flowers OK


Lol - that’s hilarious. It certainly is on the list long list. And comedy relief is welcome:)


We'll some time has passed and I understand you are busy. Right now I am using My Robot Lab and posting this over there. It is painful but he support AIML2.0. THe rest is sugar plum. Frustrating

#26   — Edited

opps, my mistake

#28   — Edited

"Sugar plum".....LOL....all I can think of is the scene from the movie Young Frankenstein, "SAID a GIVE!?" Igor - "He said a Dirty Word....He Said a Dirty Word!" xD


Lol - that’s actually kinda funny. The censor code was implemented back in the old ezrobot forum days from 2012 or so. The same rainbows and buttercups etc. I always laugh at that!

We’re working on a process to get feature requests implemented. We have a few ideas that we’ll release shortly. It’ll help incentivize us to actively develop features


Any reason for me to bump this thread? I notice the upvotes for the feature request are at 1260. Seems like a lot.


Are those numbers real ?


User-inserted image



Not sure how the numbers work, here's what mine says.

User-inserted image


Yep it's right, it's at 1412 for me now after your comments.

#34   — Edited

ptp is trolling ... look again to the score (post #31):)

#36   — Edited

Hi DJ. I understand the age of ProgramAB makes it a bit antiquated but I saw it as an easier implement for you as it can be set up very much like your current AIML plugin. I do not need to be married to it and botlibre can import my current AIML scripts I believe so if you would like to concentrate on that implication that would be fine. With Botlibre I am a little leery about being dependent on a 3rd party site that offers 'free' services as eventually they turn into a pay service.;)


Ya - that’s understandable. But good news is that if bot libre seems to be more of a research project than company.


Haha. I see that. My squeaky wheel just got oiled!

#40   — Edited

I can't do anything with Program AB because it's Java and not compatible with anything else. I took a lot of looks at it and there's nothing I can think of doing with it.

LOL - dude i spent a lot of time creating that skill haha break'n my heart man! You owe me a beer (or 6)

AIMLBot is about the same as pandorabot v1, isn't it?

#41   — Edited

Dang DJ. This is a $30/mo dollar solution tacked onto the top of the new Synthiam cost. I can not use this solution unfortunately.

I edited this post cuz I had some crabby responses.

#42   — Edited

This one too. Bad day for me I guess.

#43   — Edited

I can understand your frustration. Java is a different language than what ARC is programmed in. My robot lab is written in Java, which is why they were able to integrate it easily.

Pandora bot is a third party company that offers its own service, like all of the other company products we have skills for. I’m unable to make decisions for their company to give Synthiam users free access to their service. Their service and their business decisions are out of my control.

Synthiam has created a robot skill that communicates with their api service for anyone to access, which is what they offer customers.

The subscription amount you pay Synthiam is for our software, not anyone else’s. Synthiam can’t give you access to software that other companies charge for, because it’s their business model, not ours. We provide seamless and easy access to the technology, but can’t pay their product costs on your behalf.

Synthiam has implemented a number of aiml solutions for you as requested. But with program ab, Synthiam is at a physical inability to do anymore with it, not because we don’t want to.

if Synthiam has not demonstrated enough attempt to achieve your demands for Program AB as a paying subscriber, then i don’t think we ever will because program ab can not work as an ARC robot skill. We have created a number of robot skills and feature requests under your suggestions. If they do it achieve your expectations, or demonstrate our commitment, then we don’t think there’s anything more Synthiam can do for Program AB


I moved your conversation out of the PandoraBot AIML2 thread into here where I believe it better fits

#45   — Edited

I edited this one too.  .


As a subscriber, you are paying a subscription to access the software that Synthiam Inc creates for you to use. Synthiam will continue to create products that align with our mission to make programming robotics easy for yourself and the many other customers.


According to AI Zone and bot libre's website, it's fully compatible with Program AB:


Bot Libre released its AIML 2.0 support.

Here is an article on the new features, it is probably useful for anyone interested in learn the new AIML 2.0 feature set.

AIML 2 has some pretty cool features, my favorite is SRAIX, that lets your bot talk to other bots (bots talking to bots, oh my). Bot Libre supports SRAIX as well as the chat-xml web API that Program AB uses, so any Program AB bot should be able to talk to any Bot Libre bot, and vice versa.

For a live demo, talk to our AIML2 demo bot


Nice these Links got me motivated to finish getting my Big Cylon bot up and chatting away!:D

#49   — Edited

Set up the T2 head on my desk and just a brief chat,regular Pandorabots,no paying, with it,surprised me what it said!.......

You: hello (1) Bot: Hi there! You: are you free? (1) Bot: "I am as free as a bird now, and this bird you cannot change" -- Skynyrd.

I was amazed at that reference! One of the all time best classic guitar tunes.:D


Wow this is great news!!!  Thanks for making this happen.