Robot Apps

Wyrnns R6
IO Tiny program and mobile interface controls for Mr. Baddelys BB-R2 creation. Making this for my grand

Betty9 AI With Basic Motion
Betty9 AI with Basic Motion. She has 3 degrees of freedom in her neck. She uses GPT-3 with a sophisticated prompt. : WORKSapp

Betty9 Christmas Songs
Betty9 is a Life-size humanoid fembot. She has 4 degrees of freedom. She was designed to be a robot lounge singer. Some videos of her singing can be found on

Simone AI Robot - Public Release1.12
UNFINISHED! STILL TESTING! Simone: Life-size humanoid fembot. Part of #OpenFembot. Fully Articultated head. Each arm has two degrees of

Verbal Intelligence Group Demo
Voice I/O that can look for your face to unpause the Bing speech recognizer. I use a female voice with

Simone AI Robot - Puppet Mode V 01,05
Simone is a Life-size humanoid fembot. She is part of #OpenFembot. Build instructions on Servo Magazine. She was inspired by Hansons Sophia

Robot Control_ Steve I
Rebuilding of a B9 Robot from Lost IN Space. Mobile tread section using Sabertooth and RC control. All other functions are being controlled By ARC and EZBs. Arms extend,

Train Object By Script
This is used in a live hack video here:

Get Me A Beer - Dynamixel
Animated Dynamixel Arm with Voice Control Gets a beer using dead reckoning. Also allows joystick

Dynamixel Arm
Animated Dynamixel Arm with Voice Control Demo.Uses EZ-B4 directly plugged in. It responds to 4 voice commands. Just a demo really to make sure it is working before I expand upon

Marks R2D2 ARC 2020
R2D2 4112020 for DJ to look at with respect to functions lost on mobile app when converted to