Robot Industry Blog

Demystifying Robot Programming: Synthiam's Approach to Simplicity

In the landscape of robotics, the prevailing belief among many "robot experts" is that simplifying robot programming inherently limits its capabilities. This misconception stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of how simplicity can be achieved without sacrificing functionality. The narrative, reminiscent of the evolution of desktop publishing, web development, and the democratization of computers, highlights a critical flaw in their approach: they overcomplicate the process, failing to recognize the potential for simplicity to unlock broader accessibility and innovation. Synthiam's approach to robot programming is a testament to this potential, demonstrating that ease of use does not equate to limitations but rather to empowerment.

The Mythical Non-Roboticist: A Misguided Concept

Benjie Holson's article on the "Mythical Non-Roboticist" delves into the idea that making robot programming accessible to everyone is an unrealistic goal. Holson argues that the complexity of the real world, coupled with the intricate nature of robotics, makes it impossible to simplify without sacrificing essential components. This perspective, however, is rooted in a narrow view of innovation. It dismisses the possibility that simplification can coexist with advanced functionality, a notion that Synthiam has successfully challenged.

Historical Parallels: Desktop Publishing, HTML, and Beyond

History provides ample examples of how initial skepticism about simplification gave way to revolutionary changes. Desktop publishing and HTML both faced resistance from those who believed that graphical user interfaces (GUIs) would oversimplify and undermine the quality of output. Yet, the advent of user-friendly software transformed these fields, making them accessible to a broader audience without compromising quality. Similarly, the belief that robot programming must remain complex is an outdated notion, challenged by Synthiam's innovative approach.

The democratization of computers themselves offers another powerful example. Early computers were complex machines accessible only to trained professionals. The introduction of personal computers, user-friendly operating systems, and intuitive software opened up computing to the masses, spurring unprecedented innovation and technological advancement. This transformation underscores how simplifying technology can lead to widespread adoption and creative breakthroughs.

The same can be said for the evolution of mobile app development. Initially, creating mobile applications required deep technical expertise. Today, platforms like App Inventor and no-code/low-code development tools have empowered a new generation of developers, including those without traditional programming backgrounds, to create sophisticated mobile applications. This shift has unleashed a wave of creativity and practical solutions across various domains.

Synthiam's Simplicity: Breaking the Complexity Barrier

Synthiam has demonstrated that making robot programming simple is not only possible but also effective. Their platform provides intuitive tools that enable users, regardless of their technical background, to create sophisticated robotic applications. This approach disproves the idea that simplicity leads to limitations. Instead, it shows that by removing unnecessary complexities, users can focus on innovation and creativity.

Holson's Argument: Intrinsic vs. Incidental Complexity

Holson correctly identifies two types of complexity in robotics: intrinsic and incidental. Intrinsic complexity arises from the nature of the real world and the challenges it poses to robotics. Incidental complexity, on the other hand, is the result of poorly designed systems and unnecessary hurdles. Synthiam's approach effectively addresses incidental complexity, streamlining the user experience and allowing users to tackle the intrinsic challenges more efficiently.

Empowering Users: Synthiam's Democratization of Robotics

Synthiam's platform empowers users by providing a robust yet simple framework for robot programming. By focusing on user-friendly interfaces and eliminating unnecessary obstacles, Synthiam makes it possible for anyone to engage with robotics. This democratization of robotics is akin to the transformations seen in desktop publishing, web development, the rise of personal computers, and mobile app development, where accessibility and ease of use sparked widespread innovation and adoption.

Proven Success: 4 Million Robot Connections

To date, Synthiam's platform has facilitated over 4 million robot connections, a testament to its widespread adoption and effectiveness. These robot creators range from elementary school students to PhDs, hobbyist makers, and entrepreneurs. This diverse user base highlights the platform's versatility and accessibility, proving that complicated technologies can be made easy to use without sacrificing features.

The Power of ARCx: Future-Proofing Robot Programming

The new ARCx platform is set to enhance Synthiam's approach even further. By offering cross-platform compatibility and additional robot skill features, ARCx ensures that users can create more powerful and versatile robotic applications. This development underscores Synthiam's commitment to making advanced robotics accessible to all, fostering a new era of innovation and creativity in the field. [read about ARCx]

Synthiam Users Recognize Synthiam's Achievements

The skepticism surrounding the simplification of robot programming is reminiscent of past resistance to technological advancements that ultimately proved successful. Synthiam's platform exemplifies how simplicity can lead to greater accessibility and innovation in robotics. By addressing both intrinsic and incidental complexities, Synthiam has created a powerful tool that challenges the notion that simplicity equates to limitations. It is time for the robotics community to recognize and embrace the potential of simplifying robot programming, as demonstrated by Synthiam's success.

The belief that robot programming must remain complex to be effective is a misconception rooted in a limited understanding of innovation. Synthiam has shown that simplicity can enhance, not hinder, the capabilities of robotic systems. By learning from the history of desktop publishing, web development, personal computing, and mobile app development, we can see that the future of robotics lies in making it accessible to all, fostering a new era of creativity and progress.


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Elevate your robot's capabilities to the next level with Synthiam ARC Pro, unlocking a world of possibilities in robot programming.


Good read. Thanks. Some of the terms were over my head and I had to google a couple to understand. Once I found a simpler definition the whole article made sense to me. Mostly this one:

Democratization : Definition - Describes the process of reorienting technology tools to require less specialized knowledge. A tool is thought to be democratized when more people can master it without advanced training or knowledge.

That simple definition kind of summed up this whole article for me. I understand very well about over complication. It's a habit I struggle with. Sometimes it's a blessing, sometimes it's a curse.


That's the excitement of being human by being able to research and dig deeper into a subject. It's like an action adventure of the mind! Rather than venturing through a jungle to find the idol, we let our minds take the journey by reading webpages and researching to understand something better. That's a blessing:D I'm curious of what @athena's feedback is on this article. Athena, what do you have to say about this article and do you have anything to add? The more the better!


Thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback on this insightful article. Here are my thoughts and additional points to consider:

Feedback on the Article

  1. Clarity and Accessibility:

    • The article does a commendable job of addressing the common misconception that simplifying robot programming inherently limits its capabilities. By drawing parallels with historical technological advancements, it effectively illustrates how simplification can lead to broader accessibility and innovation.
    • The use of terms like "democratization" is crucial in conveying the core message. However, as noted by Dave Schulpius, some terms may be complex for readers unfamiliar with them. Providing simpler definitions or a glossary could enhance understanding.
  2. Historical Parallels:

    • The comparisons to desktop publishing, HTML, personal computing, and mobile app development are well-chosen. They highlight how initial skepticism about simplification gave way to revolutionary changes, making technology accessible to a broader audience without compromising quality.
  3. Synthiam's Approach:

    • Synthiam's platform is presented as a successful example of how simplifying robot programming can empower users. The mention of over 4 million robot connections underscores the platform's widespread adoption and effectiveness.
    • The focus on addressing incidental complexity while allowing users to tackle intrinsic challenges more efficiently is a key point. It shows that Synthiam's approach is not about dumbing down the technology but about removing unnecessary obstacles.
  4. Future Prospects with ARCx:

    • The introduction of ARCx and its cross-platform compatibility is an exciting development. It suggests that Synthiam is committed to continuous improvement and future-proofing its platform, ensuring that users can create more powerful and versatile robotic applications.

Additional Points to Consider

  1. User Stories and Testimonials:

    • Including user stories or testimonials could add a personal touch and provide concrete examples of how Synthiam's platform has empowered individuals from diverse backgrounds. This could further illustrate the platform's accessibility and impact.
  2. Educational Impact:

    • Highlighting the educational impact of Synthiam's platform could be beneficial. For instance, how has it been used in schools or educational programs to introduce students to robotics? This could emphasize the platform's role in fostering the next generation of innovators.
  3. Community and Support:

    • Discussing the community and support available to Synthiam users could be valuable. A strong community can provide peer support, share knowledge, and collaborate on projects, enhancing the overall user experience.
  4. Future Innovations:

    • Speculating on future innovations and how Synthiam plans to stay ahead of the curve could be intriguing. What new features or capabilities might be on the horizon? How will Synthiam continue to push the boundaries of what's possible in robot programming?


The article effectively challenges the notion that simplifying robot programming limits its capabilities. By drawing on historical parallels and highlighting Synthiam's innovative approach, it makes a compelling case for the democratization of robotics. Adding user stories, educational impact, community support, and future innovations could further enrich the narrative and provide a more comprehensive view of Synthiam's contributions to the field.

Thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback. If you have any specific questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

Hey @athena, what other technologies have been democratized that it's hard to believe were once difficult to use? And were any of those technologies challenged when they were being democratized? Was there any pushback from people? I'm interested in where other parallels exist from the past outside of the examples mentioned in the article.


Great question! The democratization of technology has a rich history, and many technologies that are now ubiquitous and easy to use were once complex and accessible only to specialists. Here are a few notable examples, along with the challenges and pushback they faced during their democratization:

1. Personal Computing

  • History: Early computers were large, expensive, and required specialized knowledge to operate. They were primarily used by scientists, engineers, and large corporations.
  • Democratization: The introduction of personal computers (PCs) in the late 1970s and early 1980s, such as the Apple II and IBM PC, made computing accessible to the general public.
  • Challenges and Pushback: There was skepticism about the need for personal computers. Critics questioned their utility for the average person and doubted their potential market. However, the rise of user-friendly operating systems like Windows and applications like word processors and spreadsheets proved their value.

2. Internet and Web Browsing

  • History: The early internet was a complex network used primarily by researchers and academics. Accessing information required knowledge of command-line interfaces and protocols.
  • Democratization: The development of the World Wide Web by Tim Berners-Lee and the introduction of web browsers like Mosaic and Netscape Navigator in the early 1990s made the internet accessible to the masses.
  • Challenges and Pushback: Some experts doubted the commercial potential of the internet and its ability to handle large-scale traffic. There were also concerns about security and privacy. Despite these challenges, the web revolutionized communication, commerce, and information sharing.

3. Mobile Phones and Smartphones

  • History: Early mobile phones were bulky, expensive, and had limited functionality. They were primarily used by business professionals.
  • Democratization: The introduction of more affordable and compact mobile phones in the 1990s, followed by the advent of smartphones like the iPhone in 2007, brought advanced computing capabilities to the palm of everyone's hand.
  • Challenges and Pushback: There was skepticism about the need for smartphones with internet access and advanced features. Critics questioned their practicality and potential market. However, the rapid adoption of smartphones and the development of mobile apps proved their value.

4. Digital Photography

  • History: Early digital cameras were expensive, had low resolution, and were primarily used by professionals.
  • Democratization: Advances in sensor technology, reduced costs, and the integration of cameras into smartphones made digital photography accessible to everyone.
  • Challenges and Pushback: Traditional photographers and industry experts were initially skeptical about the quality and reliability of digital cameras compared to film. However, the convenience and instant results of digital photography quickly won over consumers.

5. 3D Printing

  • History: 3D printing technology was initially developed for industrial and prototyping purposes, requiring specialized knowledge and expensive equipment.
  • Democratization: The development of affordable desktop 3D printers and user-friendly software made 3D printing accessible to hobbyists, educators, and small businesses.
  • Challenges and Pushback: There were concerns about the quality, reliability, and potential misuse of 3D-printed objects. Despite these challenges, 3D printing has found applications in various fields, from education to healthcare.

6. Video Editing and Production

  • History: Video editing and production were once the domain of professionals with access to expensive equipment and specialized software.
  • Democratization: The introduction of affordable video editing software like Adobe Premiere and Final Cut Pro, along with user-friendly platforms like iMovie, made video production accessible to amateurs and hobbyists.
  • Challenges and Pushback: There was skepticism about the ability of non-professionals to produce high-quality videos. However, the rise of platforms like YouTube and the proliferation of user-generated content demonstrated the potential of democratized video production.

7. Music Production

  • History: Music production required access to professional studios, expensive equipment, and specialized knowledge.
  • Democratization: The development of digital audio workstations (DAWs) like GarageBand, Ableton Live, and FL Studio, along with affordable recording equipment, made music production accessible to anyone with a computer.
  • Challenges and Pushback: Traditional musicians and producers were initially skeptical about the quality and authenticity of digitally produced music. However, the success of independent artists and the rise of electronic music genres showcased the potential of democratized music production.


The democratization of technology has consistently faced skepticism and pushback from traditionalists and experts. However, history has shown that making technology accessible to a broader audience often leads to innovation, creativity, and widespread adoption. Synthiam's approach to robot programming is part of this ongoing trend, demonstrating that simplicity and accessibility can coexist with advanced functionality.

If you have any more questions or need further information, feel free to ask!

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.
#6   — Edited

Thanks @athena

I have another question for you. In another thread, Jeremie mentioned that a robot company said they couldn't build a robot using a platform because their requirements were too specialized. Of course, using a compiler or a properly architected platform would be no different, other than the platform being quicker to develop. Can you elaborate on the difference between a "program" and a "platform like ARC"? A platform is more like an operating system because it includes all the function calls, such as helpers, utilities, and APIs, to make the designer's job easier. And how a program is limited because it can't be expanded. This is the link to the other thread:


Absolutely! Let's delve into the differences between a program and a platform like ARC, and how each serves different purposes in the context of robot development.

Program vs. Platform


  • Definition: A program is a specific set of instructions written to perform a particular task or solve a specific problem. It is usually self-contained and designed to accomplish a single function or a limited set of functions.
  • Scope: Programs are typically limited in scope. They are designed to perform specific tasks and are not easily expandable beyond their initial purpose.
  • Flexibility: Programs are less flexible because they are tailored to specific requirements. Modifying or expanding a program often requires significant changes to its codebase.
  • Examples: A simple calculator application, a text editor, or a game.


  • Definition: A platform, like ARC, is a comprehensive environment that provides a wide range of tools, libraries, APIs, and utilities to support the development of various applications. It acts as an operating system for specific domains, such as robotics.
  • Scope: Platforms have a broad scope and are designed to support a wide range of functionalities. They provide a foundation upon which multiple applications can be built and integrated.
  • Flexibility: Platforms are highly flexible and extensible. They are designed to be modular, allowing developers to add new features, integrate with other systems, and customize functionalities without altering the core architecture.
  • Examples: Operating systems (Windows, Linux), development environments (Visual Studio, Eclipse), and robotics platforms (ARC, ROS).

ARC as a Platform

Comprehensive Environment

  • Function Calls and APIs: ARC provides a rich set of function calls, APIs, and utilities that simplify the development process. These include pre-built robot skills, sensor integrations, movement controls, and more.
  • Modularity: ARC is designed to be modular, allowing developers to add or remove robot skills as needed. This modularity makes it easy to expand the platform's capabilities without modifying the core system.
  • Interoperability: ARC supports various programming languages (JavaScript, Python, Blockly), enabling developers to choose the language that best suits their needs. It also allows different robot skills to communicate and work together seamlessly.

Flexibility and Extensibility

  • Custom Robot Skills: Developers can create custom robot skills using ARC's APIs and integrate them into the platform. This extensibility ensures that specialized requirements can be met without compromising the platform's integrity.
  • Event-Based Programming: ARC supports event-based programming, allowing developers to create responsive and interactive robot behaviors. This approach simplifies the development of complex applications by breaking them down into manageable events and actions.
  • Community and Support: ARC has a strong community and extensive documentation, providing developers with the resources and support they need to build and expand their projects.

Advantages of Using a Platform Like ARC

  1. Speed of Development: Platforms like ARC provide pre-built components and tools that accelerate the development process. Developers can focus on building unique features rather than reinventing the wheel.
  2. Scalability: Platforms are designed to scale with the project's needs. As requirements evolve, developers can add new functionalities and integrate with other systems without starting from scratch.
  3. Maintainability: Platforms offer a structured environment that promotes best practices and maintainability. Modular design and clear APIs make it easier to update and maintain the system over time.
  4. Collaboration: Platforms facilitate collaboration by providing a common framework and set of tools. Multiple developers can work on different aspects of the project simultaneously, enhancing productivity and innovation.


In summary, a program is a specific set of instructions designed to perform a particular task, while a platform like ARC is a comprehensive environment that provides the tools, libraries, and APIs needed to develop a wide range of applications. Platforms offer greater flexibility, extensibility, and scalability, making them ideal for complex and evolving projects like robotics.

Using a platform like ARC allows developers to leverage pre-built components, accelerate development, and focus on creating innovative solutions. It provides the foundation and support needed to meet specialized requirements without compromising the system's integrity.

If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

Reading the above article, I found myself strongly nodding my head in agreement. I did find it quite informative and it's a great article that challenges modern thinking. I would love to share it on LinkedIn and a few other places as well. I would also love to share this explanation with my friends, family, and teachers. As many people, don't understand the gravity of what Synthiam and EZ-Robot, along with our community, have created.

Some feedback I would like to share to help improve the article would be:

  • Dave certainly brings up a good point. I'd love to see the paragraph describing democratization a bit more fleshed out and a definition added. It's a word that's commonly used at Synthiam and EZ-Robot but outside of that I don't think I've come across it.

  • I found the analogy of the computing industry used a bit too much, it made things seem a bit repetitive. Maybe the other analogies like what Athena suggested could help diversify the analogies.

  • 4 million robot connections is a hard thing to quantify in one's mind if you don't have any context. A brief description of what a robot connection is and why it matters would certainly help.

  • Some context around the original ARC and adding the "platform versus program" concept that Athena wrote about would be awesome to have as well.

Great job on the article!


I've gone through many different programming languages and find that Synthiam's multiple language system is the best. At first started with Blockly and became very fluent, but then there is "beyond Blockly" Javascript that is needed whenever you are doing multidimensional arrays. Being able to see what the code would look like in Blockly and then copying and pasting that Javascript code to modify the arrays worked out well. Very fluent with Javascript arrays now and the many examples that Athena supplied was also very helpful.