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Country: Germany
Member Since:


  • 2015-01-21 - joined Synthiam
  • 2015-01-22 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2015-01-23 - created first new question
  • 2015-01-28 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2015-02-02 - posted your first tutorial
  • 2015-02-08 - created a custom avatar

Latest submissions

Noisy Camera

Noisy Camera

When I start the camera of my Roli, it produces some noise (rattling), when I stop it the noise disappears. Are there any movable parts inside the camera bit? What could be wrong? Also the camera...
Roli Dance

Roli Dance

Some nice actions have been added to the latest update :-) But with the differences a couple of programming questions arise. First one: how to play music and dance together? In the old program the...

Editor Line Numbers Displaced

When scrolling a script in an editor window, the line numbers scroll not in sync with the text. The lines seem to scroll in discrete steps, while text scrolls smoothly. This can make the lines hang between the line numbers. To reproduce: edit a script with a length greater than the window height. Then scroll down, using the scrollbar or mouse...

Spelling Error

Typo in help on Servo - Auto Positioner title Auto Position Without Movmeent Panel
Sensible Gripper

Sensible Gripper

I would like to have a claw or similar with an adjustable force, that does not try to crush whatever it should pick up. Does something like this exist already? Of several approaches the...
Persistent Servo Calibration

Persistent Servo Calibration

The servos looked almost good, so I skipped the hardware calibration for now. Both arms show a bit to the right, fixed by fine tuning to max. 12 units. Q: whats a...

Spelling Error

Help on Script Manager Description shows misspelled Control Detais - should read Details (missing l).

Help On Edit

I could not find instructions about entering contributions, no Help button, F1 doesnt work, and I also couldnt find a tutorial. Do I have to change my browser settings for display/access to such items? How can I e.g. quote text from another entry?

Cannot Connect In Wifi Client Mode

After configuring my Roli to client mode, it says that it connected successfully to my WLAN. But the ARC scan cannot find it :-( It may be a policy (firewall?) problem, but I have not installed or activated any AV software. [Using Win8]
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