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Country: Germany
Member Since:

Physicist, phd, 30+ years in the space industry; development of robot systems for future Mars missions.


  • 2020-11-06 - joined Synthiam
  • 2020-11-20 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2020-11-25 - created first new question
  • 2020-12-08 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2020-12-08 - created a custom avatar
  • 2020-12-13 - posted a robot project showcase
  • 2020-12-18 - shared your first video in the forum
  • 2020-12-19 - shared your first photo in the forum

Latest submissions


No Single Seat ARC Subscirption Possible.

Hi DJ, I need a single-seat subscription for a second robot that I bought from a colleague. Synthiam advertisement says that subscriptions will start at 8.99 p.m., but a bit later one can only book a minimum of 2 seats at 17.99 p.m. Question: Which way for a single-seat subscription ? Thanks in advance Cheers Volker
Initial Servo Motion At Program Start

Initial Servo Motion At Program Start

Hi all, basic software (BLOCKLY) for my 1 m insect is now ready for operation. Was surprisingly simple when using a strict hierarchic structure of...

Default File Storage Address For BLOCKLY Files

Hi DJ, just a brief question: How can I change the default file address for storing / loading BLOCKLY files within ARC ? I need to store and load them in / from my central server, since - over the time - I am working on three different computers and always updating new software versions on these three plus the server is simply a time consuming mess...
How To Submit Forum Contributions With Figures (Showing Own Robot)

How To Submit Forum Contributions With Figures (Showing Own Robot)

Hi DJ, is there an option to submit forum contributions including figures / images ?...

Detailed Explanation Of BLOCKLY Commands

Hi - short question: Is there a glossary for BLOCKLY commands ? Most are easy to identify, but e.g. what is the difference between the ADC command and the ADC12 command ? A survey for all BLOCKLY commands would be very helpful. Earlier I was programming OZOBOT EVOs, using OZOBLOCKLY and - I must admit - that they are offering a very good online...
More DIO Ports Required

More DIO Ports Required

Hi all, is there a chance while using an EZ-B V4 to add another controller for increasing the number of DIOs ? Some kind of daisy-chaining ? Current problem: At my large...
Operating Servos Under BLOCKLY

Operating Servos Under BLOCKLY

Hi all, just finished the hardware for my large Hexapod (1 m diameter !). I am using an EZ-B v4/2 as a controller, powered by a 2S Lipo. My servos are high...
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