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Island fox

Country: Canada
Member Since:


  • 2014-12-22 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2014-12-29 - created first new question
  • 2015-01-12 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2022-08-05 - subscribed to ARC and unlocked new features that make your robot even smarter
  • 2022-08-05 - searched the Synthiam support section to learn about ARC features

Latest submissions


The Program Shuts Down When I Move The Simulator Pictures?

Why does the program shut down when I release the mouse button after moving one of JDs parts (servo)?

Error Loading Version: 2020.11.02.00 System.Net.Webexception: The Request Faile

This is what I get when I try to start ARC   Where am I going wrong?  It was so simple with ARC and I thought that when I purchased my first and second robots from EZ Robot that it was part of the deal.. Now I have to pay to get anything near what I could use before  Version: 2020.11.02.00 System.Net.WebException: The request failed with HTTP...

ARC Screen Freezes After Connecting To Jd

I have had JD for a while without any problems but I can not get past the connection anymore. The debug says I am connected and it shows the right IP but immediately after I pressed the connect button I hear JD beep once and the screen freezes. The connect button goes dark but I can read disconnect on it. My OS is Windows 10 on an Acer desk top and...

Ultrasonic Radar Screen Display

Help Please I have added the ultrasonic radar to my project. I tested it with the 3 different controls and can not get a full display of the scan. It shows about 55 degrees of scan and the rest of the display is black. I know the scan starts at some point below the bottom left hand side of the screen by watching the servo info at the bottom of the...

No Response To Scripts

I am working with a V3 on a robot arm. I have included some of the Hand example scripts in my project and edited them by naming the servos as per my project. The servos will not respond to them nor will they respond to the scripts I write. All my servos work well with the slide controls in the configuration windows. What am I doing wrong? When I...

Revolution Jd Arms Locking Behind Back Doing The Haunt Me Sample Dance

I got JD and enjoyed putting him together and setting everything up. I got as far as trying the sample dance Haunt me without any frustration or hick ups. He started the dance and went along very well for a while but when his hands got behind his back they would get stuck behind his upper legs and pulled the arms right out of the shoulder servo. I...

ARC Screen Locks Up In Servo Settings

Hi Windows 7 - Acer Aspire X3810 computer - Latest download EZ-B - Up to date firmware. When I try to do servo settings the ARC screen locks up and I need to restart my computer every time. This will happen when I am doing the actual setting and if I get through that and manage to save the setting, the screen will lock up the first time I test the...
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