Power supplies-Types, and Synthiam Use

Power Supply Types

Power supplies come in many forms. Many are listed below. Skip past if you need portable(battery) power. Power supplies often take wall power and convert it to lower usable forms of power.

PC(computer) power supplies can make 12V, 5V, and 3.3V. These all have their own amperage rating, so look at the label.

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RED:AC input: make sure it matches what you can input. PINK/PURPLE:DC output: Make sure it is DC. BLUE: 3.3V/5V 22A/25A: When 2 catagories share the same Watt count, it means they are tied together, so you can only do 5V at 25A or 3.3V at 22A. This is not 47A total! LIGHT BLUE: 12V 1/12V 2: power supplies may have multiple voltage rails. This is for reliability/safety. Same rules as BLUE. GREEN: Ignore negatives/ specially marked. Its for the better. The higher the Wattage power supply, the more Amps its capable of, but also the more power it draws. You can always regulate 12V down to the needed Voltage.

1. 12v car PC power supply: <(FOR USE WITH BATTERY) www.powerstream.com/DC-PC-12V.htm

This gives you 12V, 5v, and 3v at high amperages, which will power sensors, servos, and lots of lights.

Standard PC Power Supply: www.bestbuy.ca/en-CA/category/power-supplies/20380.aspx

Can be found everywhere! And if you want cheap, go to eWaste and pick out one for free-$20! Just get a high Wattage supply.

Courtesy @Steve_G from @fxrtst's Power supply thread:

"I had a bit of a search for you, and came up with the following fixed voltage supplies which was all from one website called TCR Electronics and are all under 100 bucks. Searching other sites pretty much came up with the same makes and models. The ones I've linked to are the best of the bunch that I think meet some of your requirements. I threw a couple of 20 amp supplies in as well in case anyone else is looking...

7.5v 40 amp 345 watts 215x115x50 $44.80 for 1 to 9 units (cheaper after that). www.trcelectronics.com/View/Mean-Well/SE-350-7.5.shtml

7.5v 40 amp 300 watts 199x105x41 $76.50 www.trcelectronics.com/View/Mean-Well/HRP-300-7.5.shtml

7.5v 20 amp 150 watts 199x99x50 $43.90 www.trcelectronics.com/View/Mean-Well/SP-150-7.5.shtml

7.5v 20 amp 150 watts 199x99x30 $36.90 www.trcelectronics.com/View/Mean-Well/RSP-150-7.5.shtml

7.5v 32 amp 240 watts 190x93x50 $50.90 www.trcelectronics.com/View/Mean-Well/SP-240-7.5.shtml

And the smallest I found at a reasonable price, but at 20 amps...

7.5v 20 amp 150 watts 159x97x38 $47.70 www.trcelectronics.com/View/Mean-Well/HRP-150-7.5.shtml

Anything smaller in the way of form factor, and you're looking to pay out at three digit figures. The one other plus about this website is that they do bulk buy discounts too."

Courtesy @Steve_G from @Askwpccoach's "How Can I Provide Continuous Power To Jd From An Ac Outlet Or Battery That Will" Thread

"So a 7.4 volt, 20 amp power supply is what you will need to have JD working at his best along with a female mini deans socket. This switching power supply is a good example of what you would need, although if you look around, you can find cheaper power supplies. " m.ebay.com/itm/TEKPOWER-USA-TP3020E-SWITCHING-DC-POWER-SUPPLY-VARIABLE-0-30-VOLTS-0-20-AMPS-/201413831219?nav=SEARCH

Courtesy @Mathprof from his "Usb or Ac-Dc Conversion as a Lipo battery replacement" Thread

"Ok, so a 20 amp supply is a good target. Just looking around a little, I found this:

P/N: RSP-150-7.5 7.5vdc Power Supply Approx Power: 150 Watts Max Current: 20 Amps Enclosed 1U low profile 30mm, built-in active PFC function, built in constant current limiting, LED indicator for power on, adjustable output voltage, and universal AC input range: 85~264vac. Dimensions: 199x99x30mm More Info, Quotes, Purchase $36.90 ea."



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