Asked — Edited

Warranty Support On Battery Flipper Power Switch

One of the two battle flippers I recently ordered has a bad power switch that I isolated by using my voltmeter and then a jumper cable to bypass the switch

The reason for this post is that I need a URL when submitting a claim

Thanks, Frank


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Sounds right. That's the one problem with this warranty claim system. The people who know what they are doing have to post even when the problem is know.



Sounds right. That's the one problem with this warranty claim system. The people who know what they are doing have to post even when the problem is know.

On the other hand, it allows EZ-R to keep customer service staff small and concentrate on new products and features rather than answering simple questions. A LOT of potential claims turn out to be mis-configuration or simple fixes that the community can help with, and for the handful of times it is a real warranty issue, it a small price to pay to make a post explaining the issue before filing the claim.

As EZ-R grows, and can have full time dedicated customer service staff, this requirement is likely to go away.
